I wouldn't think so. I think its only about preserving the "value" of congressional bank accounts via kickbacks, bribes, etc.
"Acquaintance" in Europe says the value of dollars in exchange is going down. I think this is the result of massive amounts of "printing" of money, which I'm not sure has even resulted in more paper bills. Electronic money printing…how convenient for "them". Massive inflation should be the result although for debtors it could be a short term blessing as they are paying back their debt with "cheaper" dollars. Back to physical money should be a good option at this point, I think. Physical money has the advantage of being "good" when computers are down. Also some of the coins do have intrinsic value. I am paying with cash a lot more atm. When I wear my "face covering", don't carry a cell phone, and pay cash its harder to track what I am buying. I like privacy.