Nice trips
It's like this: I don't know that trump wanted that flag there at his press thing.
However. I do know he wanted to post the iwo jima satue though.
I'm sticking with trump ;)
so far it's looking like the traps are all almost full.
Most of the governors have been shown to be owned by the ccp.
Only SIX senators are really worth anything at all
The supreme court is also completely bent over.
The house? kek!
Soo.. It's looking like now the lastest thing is to try to goad Trump into taking a bad deal.
So the actual prediction is that next the shit generals have to really plant one in the trap for them.
that's a theme that appears in the matrix too. In the dojo scene.
Context matters. I live in a stolen area run by a ccp gov. Met both legit and questionable "researchers". Probably because of the stolen state of this state.
Someone coming in hot like that would immediately send up warning flags. Spent too much time here not to be a little paranoid.
Take this with a grain of salt, but I was living in a duplex. Other side stayed vacant for a while. Then this dude and his whatever moved in. Was super pushy frenly and all usa. but fake about it. Kinda made me suspicious of his intent and this was before i found the chans. Didn't really get neighberfrenly with them.
Time passed. turned out the guy was actually an actor and a shitbag. (found this out as the mate left when she found out he was a cheater)
few more weeks passed.
was out leaving tumbleweeds after it was discovered some shit was going on. (found out through landlord so didn't know exaaclty what)
the guy played the part of a "reservist" but none of his shit was ever marked.
I've never been in the mil but I come from a mil fam. so the lack of markings stuck out
looks like it's time to engage the nifty fifty
remember wen the pope called a fake council to co-opt the real council that jesus' own guys did?
1) almost all of them
2) the ones without connections. The rest of them were shipped to US or Soviet labs.
what did you expect. you want to fag it up, then you also get a turn being the faggot.
They're right though:
If you are a good patriot baker, the deep state shags you
If you are a good derp state baker (they exist), the patriots shag you.
So yes. ALL of the bakers are faggots, it is what it is.
pretty much
>I am actually pretty sure the "comms" WnB is not the real WnB, but just carried on with the memes after WnB bailed
noticed that too. then there's the bakers that justโฆ disappeared and their names never come up because they arent posting on any other board anymore either