Careful what you wish for, faggots
He's staying in the Waldorf Astoria Bevery Hills.
Stop feeding the hotelfag and maybe he'll simper away.
Anon wishes to apologize once again to Q and Q+ for getting angery and shitposting to vent angeriness in ways not necessarily salutary to the cause. Anon is just sick and fucking tired of watching traitors continue to shaft the American people and gloat while they do it, in such a manner as would seem to indicate that they are not panicking, but reveling in their depravity. Anon wants to be a good Plan-Trusting Anon, but it is a tall order with all the fuckery being flung in our faces like so much raw sewage. Anon is just a memefag and shitposter who wants what is best for his tiny nieces and nephews, and wants to see those who would steal their futures hanged by their own entrails. Sometimes anon gets overly worked up. Please have mercy on anon.
Anon, does prayer consist of words? Or can it consist of quality of one's attention?
Because I have prayed all the words I care to pray, in all the permutations I care to pray them.
Is God moved by repetitions of the same words and phrases over and over and over again? Is that how it works? Or can God also be moved by the steadfast ferocity of the hatred of evil in an anon's heart?
It's an odd contradiction that for centuries Christians took swords to the battlefield and slew their enemies with extreme prejudice, yet now we are told that prayer is the most powerful weapon, but to actually wield prayer as a weapon an instrument of destruction of the enemy is something unspiritual, perhaps even akin to witchcraft.
I want to erase our enemies from existence. I want to delete them. And I want them to feel pain and suffering on their way out. I can't help this. I want to ask God to have them slain in horrible ways, but the going rhetoric is that we should be meek and pray "Thy will be done".
It's a hell of a disconnect.
Thank you for this post, anon.
I did dozens of hours of talks on this topic on Youtube. Not because I wanted to. Because I was commanded to.
I left the channel up for about a year. One week I suffered an attack that resulted in me deleting the channel. I still have all the talks saved on my hard drive.
>attention (and on a connected level, INTENTION) is a method of AIMING your vast ENERGY as a being on this plane
Those two words, "attention" and "intention" were at the core of my talks, which I did not prepare. They just came through me.
The sincerity of your answer has given healing to me. You and I share the same spirit and philosophy of war.
We are Q Delta Force.
Thank you, Anon. I feel genuine love shining through your words. I am always thinking about God. I just feel awkward using words with Him. It's like I prefer to beam my feelz straight up to him in pure energetic form. If that makes any sense at all.
>Anon hopes you like conspiracy theory story time. Soon?
I am old and scarred, I have opened myself to all the horrors. All I want to do between now and my departure from this plane is to inflict as much damage on perpetrators of evil as I can. I can't do this by conventional physical means. It has to be metaphysical. This is like a mission statement coded in my DNA.
I am 49. I live halfway across the world. I am penniless. I am ready for my life to be over. All I want before I go is to see the evil vanquished, the bad actors put in their places.
As for being commanded to do shit. The number one reason I know God is real is because He commanded me to do shit that should have landed me either in prison or in some other form of confinement, and it never did. I got away every single time. But it made enemies in the country where I live, and they are salivating for a Biden victory. They have even threatened me on this board.
Once again, anon, your particular way of answering my question healed me in a very particular way. You answered a prayer screamed from my heart for years now.
Thank you, God bless you, and know me by this meme.
I am an anon of little brain when it comes to esoteric perspectives.
Thank you for your considerate response to my cry in the wilderness. I will ponder on it. Maybe it will become clear to me. God bless you sir.
Thank you again, anon. This bread has been one for the ages. Lots of love and wisdom and good will in this bread. God bless you and all sincere anons who share their spiritual understanding. It made all the difference for this anon at this time. Wherever we go one as all, I am honored to go with you anons.
Night Shift rules!
Hang in there, anon. These bodies weren't made to last forever. I can tell that your spirit is as strong as the day you were born.
I think I understand why hotelshill has been attacking this board with sodomite porn.
There has been a shift. A great deal of spiritual progress has been made in this bread. It is beyond all doubt that this is the greatest bread I have been a part of.
And this baker is one of the few true bakers. God bless this board, and God bless all of you. Faith has been restored in this anon's heart.