Comfy night shift
No Assange pardon yet I gather. I wonder what's taking Trump so long. Best for last of his pardons perhaps?
Surprised Trump hasn't skewered Mitch directly yet about endorsing that damn Covid relief bill
Who else can I write to? Unfortunately, my state is full of demorat swampies in government.
We also need to threaten the republican senators if those writing are republicans that we will walk the fuck away from the party leaving them empty and bankrupt.
Waiting for the 12 person twitter mob to be outraged about the racism. Black with chicken. kek
I've been looking myself. However, I can't find a place where these people who left the blue states haven't resettled to to destroy those states as well.
If they had it was water cooled with a watermelon as well then yeah I'd say they were going full parody kek
Ciclopirox topical solution 8% nail lacquer. Generic for Penlac. For treating onychomycosis (nail fungus).
Forgot to add that Lamisil is a pill that also treats the fungus but it can cause liver damage. So if being treated by the pill the doctor will need to do liver tests from to time.
No voodoo. This is exactly what they've been looking for. It's getting rather similar to basic income from the government.
Any links? The last I remember is that hepatic dysfunction due to Lamisil (Terbinafine) was rare.
Just think we are trying to save this country for these people too. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it.
Just demand two bills. A clean Covid relief bill and the second bill whatever the hell they want to put in it so Trump can keep kicking it back to them or vetoes it.
>A set of lawyers stands in the fucking way of setting America
And Corrupt judges. Our entire legal system is broken. So many things need fixing in this country.
Oh okay thought I must have missed something about him that dropped in a previous bake. Thanks anon.