Fake photo…..why is everyone else just walking around?
What I never got…..why the folks who got all pissed by the Kent State photo….I think it was on cover of Time……are the same ones supporting masks and other government BS
Omnibus bill?……Bunch of old asshole trying to be sneaky stealing some dough for da Jews
Call it what it really is……Jew bailout
Washington didn’t cross shit, he was far too valuable to send on a raid
Washington didn’t chop down a cherry tree
He didn’t toss a dollar across the Delaware
And he didn’t cross the Delaware
History is full of shit
I think mRNA will set off whole bunch of predetermined genetic problems
Then the docs get to treat you some moar…..watching the health industry die, is like watching a slo-mo train wreak
Why do bitches keep posting this BS?
I don’t remember asking POTUS to pardon anyone
Jews are broke
Spend all their money on coke
If they don’t steal some cash
Satan will fuck them all in the ass
Ima taxpayer……civil servant better fucking listen
But……Is the Afghani heroin still safe?
Why the hell didn’t Congress ask the Sackler fam
Where do you get all that opium??
Barr was totally out of his element
Never should have been AG
No charges filed cuz he did nothing