Think mirror. Are you awake?
I'm dead fucking tired and I'm making a sick joke because I'm fucking delirious.
I've been at this for six fucking months.
I don't eat right anymore.
I don't take a normal shit anymore.
My kids don't talk to me anymore.
I've made 100s of good memes, many are used all the time now.
I've anayzed this every which way but Sunday.
And then I'm asked the other day "Are you awake?"
I was, but probably not anymore.
Time for a fucking nap.
Septic tank brown.
There's a method to our fucking madness.
Navy vet here. I haven't a fucking clue.
are you sure it's not 26%?
>Sit back and relax above all.
That's what I'm going to do henceforth.
Sit back, drink beer, fuck my SO, and just enjoy life.
I'm a vet and I'm old (you'd laugh your asses off if I told you how old).
I'm done.
The torch is passed.
God bless America!