"far-right" = "vicious smear"
Accepting a pejorative as such continues to allow it to be powerful. Mistake.
"far-right" = "vicious smear"
Accepting a pejorative as such continues to allow it to be powerful. Mistake.
People who have clearly done far more research than you and present info you personally don't like or hurt your feelz aren't just shitposters. Many have researched this and other subjects since before you were born and their knowledge accumulates. The laughably predictable response you all spout will follow, and your denials and shrieking will change nothing factual, on any matter upon which this subject touches.
Those who benefit from it, or who's people do, will never accept that system ending. They lose everything if it does.
It's a compulsion. Tag-teams, more overt now.
THANK YOU! Beautiful
Not saying it's 100% what Q team means, but this is what I was wondering vis a vis re_read/re-read
Military men don't make those distinctions for no reason.
>How ~~STUPID~~ DESPERATE & PANICKING are these stupid (((black hat))) scum?
Panic makes stupid people make even stupider mistakes in judgment. It's actually quite amusing to watch.