Lol hold hearing where they tell you there's no evidence again and turn it into what do we do next time while they steal the run-offs as well.
Fucking joke.
Lol hold hearing where they tell you there's no evidence again and turn it into what do we do next time while they steal the run-offs as well.
Fucking joke.
Early vote in person unless you live in Fulton. If you live in Fulton, Cobb, or DeKalb, vote the day of. Take the day off work, and go vote. If you have to virtue signal like you are voting for the faggot or the black panther, do it. It'll keep you safe, and your employer will fear retaliatory action because you "are in the majority".
>>12143140 pb
So the pope says vaccine is great even though it comes from aborted babies and the mullahs say no problem with pork. Who gets to tell me it is ok since I am a vegan and do not consume animal products, much less human?
faked incident?
witness protection?
Has anybody seen or heard of Haspel since after the election?