Good morning Anons. May I invite your prayer?
Our Heavenly Creator, we come before you grateful, somber and humbled.
We are grateful to be part of your kingdom. Thank you for guiding us with the often difficult lessons. Lessons and boundaries that have allowed us to find the straight path and the narrow gate. Wherever we might be, today, on a crooked path or pointed away from the narrow gate, we ask that you do WHATEVER IT TAKES to fill our heart and body with wisdom and will to stay your course. We ask for your forgiveness where we have strayed. We are grateful, Lord, for all of the people you have placed on our path to offer us the truth, wisdom, guidance and love we needed, and we ask for forgiveness for the times we have failed to accept these blessings. We are grateful for Love. Grateful for the love we have been shown and for the love that fills us. Please continue to fill us with your love. Mostly we are grateful for forgiveness, the forgiveness you have so graciously provided.
Our hearts are somber, Lord. We have learned things about this world that are indeed terrible. In this moment Lord, will you take the burdens on our hearts and minds, and replace them with your clearest wisdom, and use us to carry our your will, whatever that might be for each of us. Please fill us with the ability to forgive and to love, in the way that you have taught.
As Jesus taught us to pray, Lord, we come before you today humbled, asking that Your kingdom come. The United States of America has been declared as your kingdom Lord. Today, through any and all authority You have bestowed upon us, we again declare this land as Your Kingdom.
Please protect and guide our leaders who wish to carry out Your will. Please deal with those who wish to interfere with Your will in a way that may, for thousands of years, serve as warning, serve as a reminder, that Your will WILL be done, one way or another.
On earth, as it is in heaven.