We still have a role to play. If you don't want to be one of the 7.1 billion people killed by a new disease, take precautions. Get healthy, cut down on the QUANTITY of food that you eat. Practice starving for 2 days once a month. Stock up on cures like Vitamin C (for megadosing), Turmeric, CBD Oil, Borax, MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution), and so on.
This should be NO PROBLEM TO AFFORD since you will be saving money by cutting the quantity of food you eat, dropping junk food entirely, and shifting to a more vegan diet. If you can eat vegan 4 days a week, then you will even find that you enjoy dairy, egg and meat far more than ever before in your life.
Healthy people do not get sick. Healthy people get better faster. And if you can keep out of public spaces, or wear gloves and a mask in event of an epidemic, you will be way ahead. DISEASE ALWAYS KILLS THE WEAKEST. Do not BE one of the weakest.
And do not take any vaccines that have not been specifically tested for malicious ingredients.