having a sock crisis myself…what happened to socks anyway? and cotton in general….linens all suck too, anymore….for the last 15 years or so
everyone just accepts shit now….then makes excuses for it like….." it was cheap"…or….whatever, nevertheless….
maybe we are all supposed to just wear flip flops?
touché … this one being one of the best at it
wool is too much for my use, albeit a great product ; but might have to go that way eventually as all these other products are just plain junk
only doing slip-in muck boots anymore
bulk….i will take that merino wool into consideration,….and thanx
nightshift is still better
yea…cannot take the feel of polyester, or any petroleum based thing since the disco era ; and yes, cotton sucks anymore but my old clothes are experiencing threadbare ; this is a great tip, my fren