t/y Baker
Have to think outside the Box and from the Orbit of L5, at least…
Cannot get tunnel vision or just focus on portions/ partials of the U.s. or the Earth as a whole.
China has no worries dipshit…
Stop fighting so hard for the Fucking CCP…
CCP Couldn't even cheat Well
Going to be funny to to see your Russian Carrier cast-off laying on the bottom of the Ocean's floor.
Stole the Plans to complete it too, gotten those Elevators worked out yet?
Look to the Law suites.. VP pence was Blocked to do so by them, yes?
Hey Legal-fags, set the record straight for the Dimwits not keeping up with the pastNOTABLES
They are all behind us…
Cannot Compete…
We, The People, of this Glorious experiment that is The Untied States of America Will
Own The Earths Orbitals, They Cannot Stop US!!!
They know we will soon be able to just dump a sack of rocks on their head from Orbit and destroy all their SAT COMMS & Preserve Ours in Short Order.
Piss in your Pants CCP…
1st We Save 7 Restore the Republic, Then we Save the Rest of the World form Killing Themselves!
The Disfranchisement Of the Americana People of these United States.
Violations of Human Right…
How Long a list do we really need?