If you'll be an evil fvck,
How you'll enslave an entire planet?
And make it pray for you?
If you'll be an evil fvck,
How you'll enslave an entire planet?
And make it pray for you?
I sound like breathe….
Anyway, I will promise, the good.
Alwahys, bet 7/2 off suit…
Choose corrupted people….., to protect my shit…..Morans will swallow, frustrations, divided, and always never tell truth.
I like kissing girls that are trump supporters, and they stink of treason, corruprion and manipulation,.
as always, i like tu undress them and then I go.
You barely hold a fucking truth on your tongue, now you are hercules?
and an ultra usmc trained soldier?
you, let alone, have no idea how to go to a chopper from a barrack, that has only one door out..