Anonymous ID: 50f68c Dec. 24, 2020, 4:49 p.m. No.12163260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Would someone who knows Chinese please translate this for those retarded ChiCom shills…


Recipe - General Flynn's Steak


One well-marbled ribeye, 12-16 oz

One large ChiCom base, thoroughly aflame


Place ribeye the tip of a bayonet. Hold it as close to the flames of the commanding Chin General's HQ as possible.

Order all the rounded up ChiCom bastards to be frog-marched off at gunpoint.

When the sound of the last one's miserable feet beating the ground as they go to a prisoner camp for the rest of their natural lives, the steak should be done.


And fuck the sauce. Americans don't need that shit to make good food.