Fine, a little copypasta summary never hurt anyone.
This one is useless you went way too far yet again.
Fine, a little copypasta summary never hurt anyone.
This one is useless you went way too far yet again.
>Habbenings cuz Christmas Gore cards
Prolly Bill Clinton ded since that's the latest QR rumor started out of thin air that has the shills riled up.
Anons predicted this.
Waiting for Gen Flynn to retwat Beanz for confirm
So you're really trying to say Over The Target is F&G and not a real thing here?
You're brave.
At least they're Christmas Cards, Anon.
Even the Shills are in the holiday spirit.
Be joyful, Anon.
Makes sense to arrest him now that Bill ded - Antifa will be confused and not know what to do.
VOAT's gonna get its ass beat just like all other refugees have.
The banner flag may change but hazing never does.
Perfect excuse to post Eagle Iwo one of my favs that an Anon made.
Merry Christmas and post in-store meat price pics, Leaf.
>Astute Anon: Shills not so bad right now.
Gore Shill Lite even made Christmas Cards and some Anons are still bitching.
The Precipice is here right now so kinda all-in on that, but thanks.
Buncha Anons prolly at their in-laws right now.
Fonefagging trying to get Everychan to work.
>Leaf astutely knows Americans only speak lb/oz when it comes to food.
Oh ok, that sounds cheap.
No need for pics to back that up.
Certainly at the Federal level and kinda at many State levels now, too.
Taxes really only still matter at the Local level during peak Clown World.