>Then would not caution and prudence be preferable to man declaring to God the point in pregnancy in which abortion becomes murder?
declaring that a soul is created at the moment of fertilization and banning all abortions unconditionally is HARDLY prudence. it's the exact mirror EXTREMEISM as those who say abortion is ok up until the moment of childbirth.
since your ignorance of biology has been exposed by your posts, did you know that an egg or even multiple eggs are fertilized every time a couple has coitus? every time. but a pregnancy can only occur during the 3 day of the month (10% of the time) that the female's uterus is receptive to the fertilized egg, allowing it to attach to the uterine wall and initiate a pregnancy. the OTHER 90% of fertilized eggs are flushed from the woman's body during menses. if they all have a soul, God apparently does not share your sanctimonious regard for either fertilized eggs OR souls. or maybe it's a good indication that souls are NOT created by the union of a sperm and an egg. PRUDENCE would argue against a law based on YOUR flawed interpretation of preacher-babble, a law that is SURE to be disobeyed, and therefore serve ONLY to drive abortions underground, in back alleys, with dirty coathangers, where both fertilized egg AND fully formed human WITH A SOUL are lost. now tell me more about prudence?