Who said that? What's up Willis?
Yeah fuck that guy. Traitor.
Well we will just have to wait and see what plays out. I'm sure POTUS and the Q team know what's up and have things planned out. No way this steal can be allowed to fly. If we know, our enemies know.
"Based on". Doesn't mean he's not a traitor. We've been monitoring his fucktardery for the last year or more. Attacking and doxxing Patriots all over. Even trying to shut THIS board down. Newbie or shill?
Nah, I deleted all their shit and never watch them. Enemy controlled. These people suck at choosing the right sides. Never bet against Trump.
Can't wait. This movie is loooooong. I need a piss break.
A Anon can hope for a Christmas gift right? 3 year delta. 2nd day on the job for Jeffrey Rosen (temps can be dangerous). Ezra Cohen-Watnick enters the stage. We know Red 1 is coming.
I 2nd that! ThanQ for your service!!!