>this is you
doc or someone else?
>For example, there is a "Doc" that is very confrontational, and there is another that is very laid back.
Yeah - Baker doc (especially MAGA hat/notepad version) was very chill.
Then there's the edgy same dick based memes easily triggered one that's still too smart to be 'be'.
So, I can say your guess is as good as it gets based upon the info at hand right now.
Damn there's more /AnonsKnow/ Eyes Always On Anons out there than I thought.
Very interdasting.
A week or 2 ago Doodle and some other Anon Bakers decided to no longer use the Gold fringe "war flag".
Now it's back heavy again.
Seems unironically legit.
Yeah but Incognito bakes and gold fringe comeback are similarly timed.
So, the question is who now and what's the angle?
Angry doc has a new blacked meme still homo related tho.
Tommy is WNB?
Tommy does mention stepping outside to take dome rips quite a bit now that you mention it.
The crickets are moving around slowly over in Bread #131.
Doesn't look locked down to me.
When Q made the Color Revolution drop that was the beginning of the end for doc and the gang.
Totally busted gatekeeping at that point.
The Anon Revolt that followed was just a matter of time.
They're in #131 - the paperclip image in your cap.
It's not locked and is active (using Cricket standards anyways).
Yeah, I was in toleration at least we have bread and Q drops mode during the mid/end of the Comms Bakery.
That Color Rev bs was what turned me into an Anon Rebel for the 2nd time in QR history.
Never sure WTF the kinda posts even mean.
It's Precipice living and holiday busy right now so attendance is logically lower.
What kind of real Anons are you looking for?
There's plenty still here.
According to that Anon the HRA has already left here.