Lol! Rubbish!
Pagans sacrificed human flesh on their altars. They did not know the God of the Bible.
Nice try though..
Lol! Rubbish!
Pagans sacrificed human flesh on their altars. They did not know the God of the Bible.
Nice try though..
Like herpes.
Keeps coming back
Which makes me think.. By the way. Why haven't they found a cute for the darned thing. Type 1 and type 2. Bastards in pharma letting people suffer needlessly…
>>you are so ignorant.
You don't know God at all.
you will never believe in his truth or his mercy. But you claim pagans knew better? Sure they worshiped demons, idols of Stone and wood, deaf and dumb objects.. Not the living God of angel armies. No Sir you are mistaken.
But I know your just here to shill and insult and I pity you.
the darkness over your soul is thick and your mind is clouded.
Once the Grace of God appears in your life there will be no doubt or questions in your mind who the real God is…
Keep shilling though . I love to argue with your kind.