There is no 'QAnon' - Q4881
Hammer is CIA.
CIA 'QA' > Q
Your 'interpretation' of that drop is not definitive because tit could also mean, and more likely does mean given Q4881 explicit confirm, that Q was pointing out how the CIA will attack 'QA' as a proxy for attacking Q.
You shills need to go back to the drawing board. You don't define the meaning of Q drops especially when your definitions CONTRADICT Q drops.
The horse has already left that barn, because you shills opened the door by attacking Q4881.
If you honestly believed 'Q_Anon' was fundamentally different from 'QAnon' (it isn't, they both sound the same when converting the image from visual to internal voice) then you would have never attacked Q4881, but you did, which is proof that you are admitting that your bannerfagging is intended to give fake news ammo to also attack their own labelling of 'QAnon' as a proxy to attack Q.
There is no 'QAnon'- Q4881
5e895a is right.
You 'Q_Anon' bannerfags have after over a month failed to explain the sudden spike in the volume of that image being posted in the breads.
It's not organic.
Anons know what you're trying to do.
If that were true you shills wouldn't be experiencing the dishonest urge to post it every bread.
Anons know your goal is to give fake news ammo to attack 'QAnon', despite Q4881 indicating there is no 'QAnon'.
Sauron lost, BTW.
There is no 'QAnon'- Q4881
Dominion is so stupid. The whole world knows they have nothing but a single high card while the world has a royal flush against them.
You can't bluff when the whole world knows your hand.
There is no 'QAnon' - Q4881
There is no 'QAnon' - Q4881
Hashtags on Twitter is Twitter's responsibility for promoting.
Projection again.
Nah, you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that
There is 'Q'. 1
There are 'Anons'. 2
There is no 'Qanon'. 3
Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.
Keep coping.
The only word needed to accurately describe 99% of you shills.
I'll stop when you projecting shills stop.
Projection again.
You're free to leave and post unhelpful comments like that elsewhere.
Yes I will stop when the projecting shills stop.
But you hope they won't and then you blame me i stead of them, because you're on the projecting shill's side.
You can't win.
Free speech always ensures truth wins over time.
So cope MFer.
That meme is for anons who preface their upcoming BS with "As a person of [insert Marxist identity politics here]".
Clearly I didn't preface anything with identity so your meme is only helpful to me or future reference.
And I'm free to keep kek'ing at you projecting low IQ shill's throwing egg into your own faces by quoting:
There is no 'QAnon' - Q4881
Hammer is CIA
CIA 'QA' > Q
When you can't attack Q, use a proxy 'QA' ('QAnon')
Another BDT?
Hahaha, the internet has infinite supply of memes to describe you coping shills.
But it seems some trigger you more than others, which is why they are good for you.
The bannerfagging started less than 2 months ago.
You're accusing Anon of what is a new shill pattern.
We see you.
>The denial of 'QAnon'
The denial of
There is 'Q'. 1
There are 'Anons'. 2
There is no 'Qanon'. 3
Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.
Was wheAnons noticed that what you accuse others of 'denying' is really just a mirror of your own denying psychology.
The bannershilling started late November 2020
See now you low IQ shills are such low quality that you're willingly admitting that you are attacking Q, Anons, and Q research when you 'Q_Anon' bannershill in the breads.
Giving yourselves your own nooses.