This is most probably car bombing.
More like all the bombings that took place in Beirut = all the car bombings that took place for almost a decade.
I just hope no one died or got serious injured.
What I meant the size of the vehicle they use for the car bombings usually matches the size of the bomb in it. The bigger the bomb, the bigger the vehicle size is.
Nope, i meant from the blast wave. I smashes the windows and cracks thin walls, all depending on how strong the blast is.
Anon, just compare with car blasts that took place in Beirut. There are so many of them. Same M.O. Seen it myself.
There was one that they filled with nails and bolts, caused a lot of serious injuries when it went off back then.
We noticed there are "signatures" on the bombs. I don't mean they took a pen and wrote on them. I mean from the type of the bombs, it's like you can put them into different types and each type is made by some specific black ops. It's like a serial killer signature.