Anonymous ID: 36d5b7 Dec. 25, 2020, 2:43 p.m. No.12174392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4476 >>4506

8:13 PM Dec 24, 2020 Video Indexed


More like transcribed, there’s a lot of information.


Revenge Of The Kraken!




4:40m Giant Psy-op

5:50m Explaining the Great Reset and who wants that

7:15m Several Remedies in play, tell Congress and Senate to acknowledge the fraud

10:45m Shadow Gate direct location stored in server in Germany

12:15m Utilizing the technology to alter the outcomes of our elections

13:00m Psychological Warfare Weapons

15:20 Section 230 Exposing coordinated plot

17:00m Whistleblower starts document explained

19:00m Infiltrators and whistleblowers

19:30m Knew when the votes would flip, like a time machine

19:45m States on that document

20:10m Executive order

21:00m Go slow tactics

22:30m Push date out

24:00m Let them think they won, to embolden, to expend their resources early

24:30m Sting Operation since before 2018 Mid-term elections

26:00m Space Force, 18th branch of the intelligence community

27:50m Leak’ers baited into

28:50m Ukraine was the epicenter of everything

29:00m Software and software algorithms to usher elections in Ukraine

30:00m Server software, firewalls, passwords, deploying algorithms,

30:15m Administration investigating Ukraine election meddling

30:45m Affidavit such election software to be deployed in Ukraine 2013 one year plan

32:50m Help America Vote Act 2002

33:45m Last Valid Election 2017 according to Help America Vote act

34:00m What would the Democrats do

34:30 Foreign insurgency engaged in irregular warfare to take over office of the President

35:00m 12th Amendment, 1 vote per state

35:30m Electors contested election

37:00m Insurrection act

39:00m Intelligence involved

39:20m Warning to those involved to facilitate election fraud

41:00m Special operations command

42:15m Only authorized to be used overseas, not domestically

42:47m Operatives that had access to these programs, change election results

44:30m CYSA Contractor participating, -still have connections, -now have a large network

46:20m Halt to cooperation with the transition, they’ve been caught

47:00m There should be no Holiday break