>>12175488 LB
Thank you for the info brother! Are you an Oath Keeper as well?
>>12175488 LB
Thank you for the info brother! Are you an Oath Keeper as well?
This right here shows why you're a moran! The vast majority of Californians that moved to TX are far more "Conservative" than the Texans they met when we got here! You blame all this shit on Californians because that's what Texans do! You talk tough but 99.5% of Texans turn around and tremble at the thought of walking into a grocery store without a mask on! FUCK YOU! I came here EXPECTING a TRULY Conservative State…but what I found was Governors that ride with Bilderberger's, fukkin Lezbos for Sheriff's in Houston, Fags running Dallas AND Fort Worth…MOST DA's are bought with Soros money and Pretty much EVERY High School is permeated / dominated with leftist teachers AND "Gay Straight Alliance Clubs" …NEVER MIND that "Austin" was "Austin" way before Californians started moving in! You need to own it dickhead! Oh and lastly…GEORGE W WAS A CARPET BAGGER! How the FUKK do you explain THAT? 2nd largest number of sealed indictments are in Texas! SWAMP!!! Texas was already "TODAY'S Texas" BEFORE Californians began to move here! JFK Assassinated here, LBJ…THAT POS is OLD SCHOOL SWAMP! The SWAMP has been operating here for a long time…don't blame it on the Californians!
Yeah, brilliant dickhead! Own it! TX was being infiltrated and overrun by DEEP corruption LONG before CA's started moving in! CA used to be a VERY Conservative State…and it wasn't the "fruits and nuts" (the degenerate depravity that came from everywhere else to be a hippie in San Francisco), it was the 9th Circuit Court and open boarders that destroyed that State…for decades the Conservative vote would win, but the 9th Circuit would tag it as unConstitutional and flip us the bird! I'm moving up on 20 years of living here and I've TRIED to talk sense to TX Natives…but NOT A ONE of you would make a REAL stand for our Constitution! No doubt there's "Stupid" everywhere…but the Stupid here…well, let's talk about "Yellow Dog Democrats"….how the FUKK do you explain THAT one? I talked till I was blue in the face about how W was betraying us…BUT NOOO, guys wanted to start throwing punches because I OPENLY opposed him for being a CARPETBAGGING TRAITOR! Nobody would listen! Yeah…Californians didn't put the cancer in this State, you Natives did it all by yourself! Don't believe me? FACT CHECK! Remember Perry trying to roll out mandatory Vax's? Remember Lesbian Sheriff trying to strong arm "normal" people? The fag communities, leftist teachers and High School homo clubs AND PARADES in Dallas and FW were established long before CA's started …WHY won't you admit that? It's a FACT! Coming up on living here for 20 years…so far I've only run into a handful of "leftist" Californians …the vast majority of CA's moving here are more Conservative that the Natives! You Fukkers did it to yourself! Own It!
How did you get "liberal" outta what I said? Lot to say about "nothing"? Every thing laid out is true! Btw…we ain't dealing with "liberals" anymore…there GONE! You'll be grateful when we're soon to be shoulder to shoulder standing against the leftist communists TOGETHER…you should take that into consideration instead of pissing all over people that had nothing to do with the political decline of this State…'cause THAT TIME is right about now!