fear porn
I've been living in a state of knowing what the fuck is happening as the world burns down and my contemporaries are 'oh, I have my two vacations a year, dont be a hater' for 30 years, anon.
Same as it ever was.
how could you be like me?
I don't behave like a smug jerk and run into a chat yelling 'fire fire, the world is burning down'
Blondie eventually took a shot and freed Ugly.
so calm your tits.
good people will prevail
the 17th state?
there are 17 columns along the long edge which is rather an unusual number. I counted them earlier in a different picture. So TN being the 17th state would explain that . . . right?
but it's not, it's the 16th.
so why 17 along the side?
no, that doesn't explain it.
the explaination is here:
the building is a reproduction of The Parthenon, famous Athenian building, and so it has 17 columns along the sides as the Parthenon must also (dare I check)?
and it does have 17 columns along the side!
ancient time travellers with a 17 fetish? (travelled forward in time).
the building was so loved by the locals that even though it was built to be temporary, they decided to rebuild it with durable materials in the 1920s.
So that's cool.