top kek anon
Hey, Merry Christmas you greasy fuckers.
Crowley doesn't own any numbers.
3, 6 and 9 are not evil numbers and not anything to be afraid of.
This whole angle so many are taking lately, where they insist all cops are great people, seems incredibly inorganic.
The stupid assholes inflated the egos of cops across the nation, all soley to promote law and order, when the real way to do it was just to prosecute the ones giving away free shit to stupid young assholes to break shit and destroy businesses.
Policemen, by and large, are just useful idiots, who are enticed to join by personality traits, where they're very conscientious and orderly people, who have no issue with confrontation. In reality, all they do is exist in order to secure debt transfers to tptb. Think of all of the police around the country. Think about how many of them daily keep each of us safe. What percentage do you think that number is? 10%? Do you think it's 15%? How about 5%.
Are there even enough crimes per day for the nearly 700k officers that exist in the US to be effective very often?
Sadly, the majority of the time, all they're good for is writing traffic citations. If every state and locality wasn't littered with traffic laws, many conflicting and nonsensical, this wouldn't be an issue. However, these systems just exist to fuel themselves. Where do all of those parking ticket fees go? Does anyone know? Hell, most local governments support themselves almost entirely upon property taxes, local income taxes and then traffic violations.
If everyone had a self-driving car, if people promoted and relied upon the second amendment again, and if we no longer had deep pockets funding inorganic anarchy across the nation, what in the everliving fuck would police officers do all day? How would we pay their salaries?
What we need is a sheriff again. We need less laws, we need less police, we need less taxes.
No, I'm not advocating anarchy again. Instead, I'm advocating for dangerous freedom again.
If we can fix the average american's lack of a propensity to defend themselves (as coordinated by the legacy media apparatus), we don't have much need for bloated police departments anymore. Besides, the more police there are, the more people there are to bribe or threaten.
I'm certainly not on [their] side, but I can't do this "Back the Blue" bullshit in light of maritime laws and LE roles in securing debt seizures (think of the local mob making you "pay for protection"), in light of us avoiding fixing issues by putting band-aids on everything and calling them "traffic laws" or "defending citizens" and I definitely can't do it knowing that virtually the only role any LE serves is being hired muscles that resemble mooks for "protecting" "important" people and ensuring the goyim give up their scraps for "protection" from themselves.
None of us should be supporting bloated LE, we shouldn't be supporting governmental overreach (which is what the FBI and other alphabet agencies are. see 10th amendment) and we shouldn't be supporting local mob protection and calling them "police officers".
All we need are local sheriffs! Bring back the Sheriff!
Yes, there are some sheriffs that unquestionably deserve our high regard. I'd never argue that. It's too bad that the shitty ones get talked about overtop of the praise we should be giving the honorable ones.
I liked your point about requirements demanding low IQ individuals be apart of Police Forces. I hadn't even considered that in a while and I think it really speaks volumes.
You know the vast majority of local LEOs have fraternities, right? Yes, many of them have masonic dealings, but it's even a little more nuanced than that.
I think most people would be surprised how often LE gets bribed or threatened. Human traffickers always bribe LE, for instance. I've seen explicit talks about this during a few digs (website is currently no longer operational and I might be feeling a little lazy but can you blame me? it's christmas). In addition, there's LEOs all across the southern border that are comped to their ears and a lot of it is from China or certain SA countries that use cartels as their middlemen. Hell, we could travel up and down the US and I could elaborate even further. Such a small % of them are safe from this scrutiny.
This is among a few different glaring complaints I have about POTUS, the way his campaign was handled, or the political atmosphere his advisors promulgated. They capitalized on partisan lines in order to promote a Law and Order aura. It might be having the intended effect, but we should consider the costs.
Should we really be bolstering public perception of LE like this? Doesn't this just further cement our reliance on LE and thereby government? What the fuck happened to this being the land of the free? Why can't we just rely on the second amendment? For a grassroots and political movement that's so focused on free speech, promoting the second amendment, liberty in general and going back to the words of the founding fathers in promoting the constitution, no one wants to take responsibility for themselves and their history by telling LEOs to fuck off and stand up for themselves instead of the State.
It's bullshit that this movement does so much to cater to our slavers. We shouldn't be excitedly praising LE in a time like this, we should be harshly chastising them.
NONE of us needs LE to protect ourselves. We need vigilance and weaponry, just like our Founding Fathers clamored and risked their lives and their family's lives for.