!. They claim to be "la county arrest records", private site, not affiliated with government or state. Everything that has to do with arrests is affiliated with government or state. Obviously they want gullible people to think they are gov/state, why? Any one who is deceiving in the small is prob deceiving in the big too.
Yea, money. The more people buy their reports the more money they make. They do not stat that there is anything in the report, so nothing stops them from selling a report with nothing in it.
But by all means, do it.
John Hutchison is the guy, the HutchisonEffect is the physiological effect he gave name to.
Indeed, he is an enigma and have been ridiculed and discouraged by big powers all his career cuz he wouldn't sell out. Don't think this is DEW, but John is still cool AF. Totally far out from all narratives and uncontrollable, like all real geniuses.