This Anon's thoughts on the Evil Ones, the Elite in power.
Have you ever thought that "they" choose 911 as the emergency number because people are in distress and fear when calling for help and 9/11 is Christ Jesus birthday. "They" live off of humanity's fear and "they" mock us.
The same with "Xmas". "They" demean Christ Jesus with an abbreviation to mock us with "ex" messiah and savior (in lower case m and s). "They" love roman numeral "IXI" - "[IX]" - 9 & "[XI]" -11= together =911.
"They" also tricked our conciousness or lack of with narrative using #Santa for Satan, who comes down from the sky (fallen angels) to the pit of fire (down the chimney) & has parents lie to their child yet, it's fine to have a stranger enter a house as the child sleeps. All pedovores.
Watch "their"blackeyes, no souls in plainsight #symbolism #Satanist. These people sold their souls for wealth and fame. Satan deceived them by replacing their soulless bodies with clones, that walk the earth while the humans that are souless are captured in hell.
May God Bless America, Potus Geotus and us all. We need not fear them but, conquer them with honor and glory.