>Tonight is the last possible night of possible hope that as wasn’t a CCP Psyop operation
>Otherwise, we’ve been had
>And we’d been had bigly
No, there is another.
>Tonight is the last possible night of possible hope that as wasn’t a CCP Psyop operation
>Otherwise, we’ve been had
>And we’d been had bigly
No, there is another.
>Who gives af? <- This anon get's it
>Well… You're a computer so… - Nah just an autist
I give no fucks about the bakery anymore. If the baker does something stupid take the dough away. There is no really no reason to argue at this point. I'm joining KB in Switzerland. Everyone leave me the fuck along and let me make my gay graphics and post my digs and I will leave them the fuck alone. The amount of infighting (a substantial percentage caused by me) is off the charts.
If you want to verify whom is baking, I showed you how today.
It's fucking Christmas you faggots.
The best part was when earlier and anon promised there was no way to photoshop (you)'s in. and I quote
"You can't photoshop that"
>Oh, so when you can no longer deny the mountain of evidence… got it.
Id this doodle again, cause I can go back and take shots of you admitting to photoshopping that shit earlier. And just because you spent time copying and pasting all the doughs onto a notepad doesn't mean they are legit. You should just stop while you are ahead. We all know what the fuck is going on.
>looks like they are keeping one chair hot with three shifts. same computer same cookies for Yous.
I shopped that anon. I was making fun of Doodle and his 6 minute delay of posting the you's.
>Oh so now it's photo shopped and now I admitted it. You're mentally unbalanced, going back on everything you said today. No integrity.
Here is it is doodle, take a screenshot. Or will you wait 6 minutes again.
>You're a liar who lies to smear people so you can cover for your crazy ass behavior. Fine, we'll do this the hard way asshole.
I just told you I shopped it, I was proving that it is exactly what "Doodle" did.
>Prove it. Prove that I even gave you that. You can't. You're memes don't make any sense and you try to sell them like a carny barker. I have the evidence and all you have is a big mouth liar.
Here Jon, I'll post them again and you can respond with your screenshot 30 seconds later. If you don't you are a fucking liar and /comms/ is still full of faggots. Deal or STFU and admit you are a faggot.
>Here Jon, I'll post them again and you can respond with your screenshot 30 seconds later. If you don't you are a fucking liar and /comms/ is still full of faggots. Deal or STFU and admit you are a faggot.
>You're a cancer to QResearch you crazed moron.
Point proven Comms jew.
I gave JonDoodle the chance to prove his claim and instead he called me cancer. That should confirm to everyoneexactlywhat the fuck is going on.
>What did you prove? Let's hear it liar.
You ready to post a screenshot of the posts within one minute?
>What did you prove? That you use photoshop to manufacture evidence and smear anons? You're a joke to this board. You have no integrity and have about 10 bakes total since Nov 3rd. You're hiding your inadequacies slacker.
Still avoiding it, are you ready to post a screenshot in 30 seconds and prove your case or not. Stop changing the subject.