Doesn't work that way. No need to refute your claims other than to type outbullshit
You have failed to prove any of the shit you have claimed. Burden of proof is on you and in three years you still have nothing
Doesn't work that way. No need to refute your claims other than to type outbullshit
You have failed to prove any of the shit you have claimed. Burden of proof is on you and in three years you still have nothing
blah blah JIDF blah
IRGC fucktard just doesn't get he and his buddies outed themselves last year. You now only convince a watching World of the absolute incompetence of Iran's "elite"
Your "information" has no proof. You have never provided anything close to prof, just mention of some idiotic polls and surveys that when checked out turn out to be nothing at all.
This is the "make sure chemtrails over Iran are always at least 30% pig's blood" bread
It's hilarious you and the crew always whip out one of the "always deceiving" ones when you've been exposed for the same ancient shit been posted for three years now
I'll bet money and a pound of bacon my IQ is higher than yours
Wrong fucktard, the whole "the lucifer" thing is Farsi grammar. Five times your bunch got called out for it and until that graphic bit I posted was created and brought up you dumb fucks kept with the same one, outing yourselves. Here we are another bread and yet again none of you "elite" have the brain power to realize the instant you post the same old tired shit that was lame three years ago it identifies who you actually are.
you fail yet AGAIN
I sense your frustration. I sense your anger. I sense your fear of being sent to Syria and blown to bits by Russians. Try harder, anons love to laugh at you and your antics
Your shit is old
You really need to start sharing
Have net AT&T employees before, was kinda thinkin something like this
That one's old too
Could care less what one lone looney has to say or feels
Some chick that I could care less about. Her opinions mean nothing to me. Do you have a collection of these nobodies?
Did not know David Spade had an older brother