let's talk about this owl
people need to read this, as i figured it out in July of this year
God the Father is the alpha and the omega, the aleph and tav (hebrew), the beginning and the end
if you were to worship a false god, it would be the opposite of God the Father
it would be a false mother goddess
you would call her the "mother of God" but we all know God doesn't have a mother. he was always around. he's the alpha (beginning) and omega (end). the aleph and tav.
so if you were to co-opt God himself, you'd have a female goddess, a false mother goddess. and her name?
her name? it would be aleph-lamed
why lamed? what is lamed? it's the hebrew "L"
in hebrew, it's like this: אל
in greek, it's like this: Αƛ
in English, you might put it like this: AL
what is that? AL? owl?
how do you say "lamed"?
it's pronounced "law" - "med"
how much corruption is in the law right now?
what about in medicine?
why is the owl on the dollar bill? because of what you just read