Might wanna dig on Ali
He use to run a kids camp in Pennsylvania
We now know whom to investigate
Barr drove GTE into bankruptcy to allow merger with ATT, and Billy walked away with millions of investors cash
How he ended up in the WH is very spoopy
Ya know
If they arrested Snowden……it would be a mass awakening for the spook factory
I smell a shutdown……
2k will fix everything riiiiight!
Ya got old fuckers still spending like water
And young people sleeping on the floor
You fixed nothing
Also short for TAC radios, used by po-po and military
They think they are secure….they aren’t…..and have chink components
Static kills all signals…..
Sounds exactly like Christmas dinner with my boomer fam
Always with the muh hard work…..yet I retired before ANY of them, but I’m the stupid kid brother
Let’s review…..NSA clown Snowden tweeting
NSA bldg attacked
Elections were stolen digitally
Wonder whom is to blame