Lin Wood
Many officials in Washington, DC have a hidden agenda against @realDonaldTrump
I know for a fact that one of them is @MarkMeadows
. He needs to be fired immediately.
Ask Mark how he liked my telephone conversation with him a few days ago.
Mark is a traitor to We The People.
I know a thing or two about the “Just Us” department. On 6 JAN, Patriots across the nation who can’t make it to our Nation’s Capital should respectfully & peacefully protest this fraudulent election at your State’s Capitals.
I doubt @MarkMeadows
will tell you what I said to him & why. His disloyalty to @realDonaldTrump
is disgusting.
Some people overheard my conversation with Mark. They will never forget it. It was a 7.5 on LLW Richter Scale. I have a 10 in me if I need it. In fact, I have a 15.
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