fog of war
Fuck you you commie ass head
Actors don't have free will
Japan to ban new entries of foreigners until end-January
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan has decided to ban all new entries of foreign nationals from Dec. 28 to the end of January following the detection of a new variant of the coronavirus in arrivals from Britain, Nikkei reported on Saturday.
Anyone else notice the recent ramp up of Rona fear pron lately? Holy shit the commercials make me want to throw up, literally. Virtue signaling level 9000
I'm a news fag it's job and I hate it
Fog of War
Ive mastered living in both worlds it took a long time.
Is she ok?
Enough with the banner bullshit
Mar 3 2019 01:07:25 (EST)
Q was POTUS recruited later in campaign? According to this timeline DJT was a loose cannon
Think formation of the Freedom Caucus.
Think Freedom Caucus today.
Think Jim Jordan.
Think Mark Meadows.
Stage wasn't set yet
What part of actors don't you understand? They aren't even tweeeting their own shit
He's a wrestler