are any of you getting tired Of Lin Wood running his bitch mouth & not doing anything ?
I am not a shill you motherfucking retard
>>12182594 is anyone else getting tired of being called a shill for getting tired of his Kabuki dance
I don't think so, PDT & Friends no everything, Just shit or get the fuck off the pot
Leilani Buckley-Awadjihe
6 hours ago
Please keep my family in your prayers. My Lil Cousin Ty Jordan was shot and killed. We are so used to hearing his name celebrated for Utah Utes football lately but jealousy….Someone jealous of that spotlight took it away. Although he is in his mother’s arms this is so hurtful to our family. Please pray for their strength and comfort. This is going to be so hard. Someone ruined their holiday. Pray for Utah Utes also.
Bannon on a Bender ?