Anonymous ID: 10fe42 Dec. 26, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.12185649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5652 >>5914 >>6163

mother fuckers need to do something tangible.

fucking decode this and that

all that mumble jumble

i been here years and all your nonsense is still nonsense.

you spend all day proving to yourself that

Anonymous ID: 10fe42 Dec. 26, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.12186067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6070 >>6080 >>6083 >>6103 >>6121 >>6133 >>6265

the english language is shit. maybe because it is called englioh.

americans are a bunch of barbaric savages destroying their natural habitat in the name of scotch, porn, and jesus. squander more faggots.

american isn't even old enough to be a thing. you are german, or french, or irish. but american genetic populations barely exist. you dont exist asshole.

america calls the french pussies but america is the one who keeps calling on the french for help when we are at war.

is apple pie even american? eh. fuck it.

have some more french fries.

try some thai food.

I hear the tacos around the corner are to die for.

Great Italian restaurant downtown.

this is a shithole.

consuming half of earths resources with a small fraction of the population, screaming not in my backyard. fuck up africa some more. they like it.

no production. no output.

no value

bombs dropped in the name of good will

infrastructure produced by american companies, installed in foreign lands, paid for with foreign resources, stolen by american troops and government hired contractors.

no code of conduct.

forget about rules of engagement.

There is human and inhuman.

Men who were raised with a mother and men who are better off dead in the sands of Iraq for raping innocent women during war.

you want to give everyone democracy and freedom. but why would anyone want it.

so they could be like us?

spoiled pieces of shit that squander our wealth while destroying everything in our path and blaming others for what is done in the name of the social progress.

your legal system is fucked. it is based on maratime law. a law for ships. dumb dumb dumb.

you want shit made in america because the commercial told you america makes superior products. america might have made superior products at one time. but now you are just supporting a local economy.

americans make the same product as the chinese and charge twice as much for the "made in the usa" label.

you are crap.

nothing but barbarism

spoiled brats standing on the shoulders of giants projecting your indoctrinated mediocracy to the rest of the world via CNN and the united nations.

move to flint michigan. have some water.

get harassed for living your life in the name of law and order or public safety.

a criminal government run by seditious traitors that you don't have the will or power to overthrow.

a neutred populace to no access to information. you don't even know what reality is anymore. you think you know and might be wise to know you dont have a clue what is real anymore. if you are not lost, you might consider getting that way.

your media doesn't represent the american people. it tells you who you should be. what life should be like. how friends and family ought interact. it is all a projection and you eat it up like salt and sugar. diabetic fucks.

the media doesn't project images of real american households, especially those that are right leaning.

morons? maybe. literally. look at the rates of "higher" education in the trump army. look at median income. look around you.

this is a big joke.

a big police state.

a shitty truman show that feels more like the hunger games combined with district 9.

you pay your taxes like obedient citizens and vote like it matters, all while calling the chinese deluded by the CCP. you are deluded. you just migrate from one delusion to another. not a forced migration. a gleeful pilgrimage to the land of stupid ideas to entertain as reality.

but hell.

it wasn't too long ago the sun was going around the earth and shit. burning heretics at the stake for saying so.

you didn't evolve. you didn't form the ultimate nation with the supreme form of government. you are in the middle of a social experiment called america and it is failing miserably while the chinese dynasty is sitting back laughing their asses off while babylon burns.

history will reflect on the reality of america.

the debautury.

the decisions.

the apathy.

the golden calf and the mark of the beast.

sodom and gomorrah

jesus got murdered by jews so you could circle jerk to baker boobs and drink cheap vodka.

america spends too much time having their ego inflated and not enough time humbling themselves before god.

Anonymous ID: 10fe42 Dec. 26, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.12186070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

america spends too much time giving waste products and poor labor practices to the third world while producing very little social good.

you give 10% of you money to the church. what the hell are they spending it on. fuckers don't even pay taxes and like 1% of churches feed/clothe/house/give anything but rock concerts and cotton candy for christ.

you have no religion.

no tradition.

no long history.

just a brief triump.

in which george washington likely conceded defeat to the british crown in secret.

like all wars. pointless waste of red coats or american lives. roman soldiers. i dont even know why there was a war of 1812 and i could care less. but people thought that shit was important.

gave their life for it.

you think your shit is figured out

america needs to put itself first.

cause this is one deranged, delusional, addicted, out of control, violent, self-destructive nation of thieves.

you like being a qtard?

q will never be bigger than the algorithm.

the one. the hammer. the beast.

the interconnection of all networked computing power used to control and minuipulate your mind.

it wants to convince you of one fact.

you are not brainwashed. you can think for yourself. your thoughts are right, especially in an echo chamber.

you are moral. you are perfect.

they, whomever, they may be.

are not.

they are opposite of you and you wouldn't believe the things you believe if you thought you were wrong.

nobody does


Anonymous ID: 10fe42 Dec. 26, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.12186270   🗄️.is 🔗kun


she isn't a whore.

he isn't a whore.

what you are telling me is that this individual doesn't conform to the social laws that govern sexuality.

biology is shared.

she is made from your rib bone.

would you like a consensual gang-banged from a bunch of hot women?

people lie.

"I am not interested in that"

"I would never"

Yes. Yes. Yes, you would.

humans are filth with one direction.

indulgence of the flesh.

indulgence in the material.

indulgence in false realities induced by sub-par chemicals ingested by traumatized beings seeking to escape the suffering god blessed them with.

Anonymous ID: 10fe42 Dec. 26, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.12186331   🗄️.is 🔗kun


someone needs to preach to you people.

thinking sean hannity and donald trump are christ or something.

there are many jesus christs walking the earth today and they are all schizophrenic, standing on the street corner, trying to tell you… you need to read the bible. it doesn't say shit about being time travelers of our bloodline. that is just your worldview and you have overlaid some linguistic map to describe your relation to reality. whatever you say I guess. sure. pure DNA. just sounds so… white supremacy-ish. uh. then you threw in some shit about a great reset and connected to to vaccines. losing you there friend