Anonymous ID: db8e7c Dec. 26, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.12185883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6048


>Understand what's being said here, but there is this..Why aren't the people of those states standing up to their Governors and State Legislators, and Local Legislators? Shouldn't the citizens of those states take a stand first?

Because some of us have been royally fucked over for decades now, and because of the fuckery, we are left for dead. I have been denied my ability to earn a living, which permanently prevents me from living a "Life". Meanwhile, the state has armed fucking dick-thugs who are granted "permission" to shoot-to-kill me if/when I step out of my house. Which I certainly cannot leave armed, as that "justifies" their attempts of murder.

However, by now, there is moar than enough goddam evidence to remove these fraudulent officials for very real crimes they have committed against the innocent public.

If only someone cares to uphold the Supreme Law of the Land, in which they have so sworn an oath to protect…

But wtf do I know? I'm just an anon being permanently and indefinitely denied my basic human Rights to Life by a criminal government, I'm now being told, once again, to submit to their fraudulent authority, while they continue to murder innocent people with tyrannical "mandates" and policies, that clearly oppose the very wording in the United States Constitution.

A belief in imperfect medicine is a belief, not "science". I believe our Creator already gave us the necessary tools we need to fight viruses. Yet, for some reason, the people who are responsible for running the pharmaceutical and medical practice continue to deny the existence of these types of facts, as governments, for years, have been abusing and torturing citizens, based solely on their beliefs in false and misleading propaganda. Once again, a breech of contract, where they are imparting and propelling their beliefs over the Rights and Liberties of any and all US citizens protected under the jurisdictional authority of said United States Constitution.

Anonymous ID: db8e7c Dec. 26, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.12186139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6173 >>6246


>Something has invisibly enslaved us, something much more sinister and invasive than anyone is willing to publicly admit. Not even Q.

It's called C_A mind control, also known as 'brainwashing'. And we KNOW this, mayne

Anonymous ID: db8e7c Dec. 26, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.12186199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6274 >>6306


>Aren't there moar of you than (((them)))..aren't there others who would stand..No violence, recalls, petitions, peaceful protests, there is power in numbers, which is what is being demonstrated in DC and other places across the country..

You're forgetting the part where a sinister "government" entity has been brainwashing those very citizens into bleak and utter complacency. To the point where they will literally attack/assault any and all who oppose their supposed "beliefs", as "programmed" unto them by a [project] known as [mockingbird]

Anonymous ID: db8e7c Dec. 26, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.12186333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6390


>Why do we do it to animals?

It's actually a programmed reaction, whether or not the person is conscious of it.

Because we are treated as if

>We are Pets and or Livestock

>We are Property

, therefore we are moar likely to act out our abuse on other creatures. Whether or not we are aware that is what we are so doing.

Psychology 101. They know it very well. Which is how they got away with it for as long as they have…

Shit. This even goes back to the Ten Commandments. Parents sell-out their children, just because there is a clause that "allows" them to do whatever TF they want to their own children…