Not even close.
They don't look anything alike lol. Not even close.
Day after day, I'm forced to wonder how some of you survived this long without your own parents eating you. Seriously. I've seen some intelligent things here on occasion, I can't lie, but for the most part, this is one of the dumbest places on the internet I've ever seen. You people are fucking jacked in the brain. Are you faggots retarded or what?
Yeah, I come here once in a while to see if anything intelligent has surfaced, but every fucking time I'm immensely disappointed.
You don't hunt anything. You sit here all day posting bullshit and rehashing photos that have been debunked, time and time again.
Every time someone replies with, "You do know…" I think, oh great, another faggot that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground who thinks they're better than everyone else. And I'm always right.
Pathetic. Just pathetic. Such an embarrassment to this now dead movement.
Milk is faster than most of the brains in this room. At least milk is past your eyes before you even see it.