Anonymous ID: dc477d Dec. 26, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.12189576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9648 >>9761 >>9763

If I could give a gift to all of you for Christmas

maybe it would be… a deeper appreciation for

The Beauty that Lies Within the Human Soul

which can be expressed in the arts…

by an "errant" brush stroke in a painting…

a "quick strike" on a piano keyboard…

a gentle thoughtfulness in color or sound…

that tells a secret… too difficult for words.

Art… saves our lives from the unbearable truths.

That's why I love this video.


Have a wonder-filled New Year, anons.


O Holy Night, cover on piano by

Jon Michael Ogletree

Anonymous ID: dc477d Dec. 26, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.12189763   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I didn't check the sauce

but an anon posted a "manger scene" at the Vatican

which was ROBOTS


Giving this some thought

after all according to scriptures

we will be given new bodies incorruptible

and live forever

just suppose some madmen decided to make this TRUE

and find a way of transferring "all we are"

or "our souls"

into machines


just fucking suppose, that's all


we would no longer be human

would we…

we would only be monsters

made in some image devised by "man"

that has no feeling

that makes us a true part of

the beauty of this living miracle of a planet


so, ya,

we must face truths

but we should realize… that…

only mankind makes truths that are unbearable

and we can make a world

where horrors no longer exist