Anonymous ID: a00d3b April 27, 2018, 10 p.m. No.1219300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9394 >>9506 >>9887


>>1218742 (prev bread)

>I'm sure many anons here are familiar with Steven Greer and his "CSETI" organization. CSETI takes groups of people out to remote locations (deserts, islands, national parks) to "invite ET space brothers to Earth for peaceful citizen diplomacy". And those orbs – one type of which sounds a lot like your 'Venus' object – are frequently reported on those CSETI expeditions.


Any good spyop is based on truth. Greer is compromised YES, but what does that mean, what narrative is he pushing?


Greer is for the people who 'find' the ET truth and get past the 'we are not alone' psyop. He is for the people that get past the 'earth his flat like pizza and aliens are just spirits' spyop.


Greer is the 'ok we admit ET's are real, and that they are just spirits BUT THERE ARE NO BAD ET's, If there where bad ET's they would have already conquered us.


THAT is the lie.


"we are not conquered, there are no bad ET's"


Greer is a 'gatekeeper', he has the 'cred' he decided what isd legit UFO research and what is 'phoney' for a large part of the 'ufo community'


go against his 'no bad ET's' and you get ridiculed & excluded.


this also plays into the space rasism mean, 'good or bad is determined by the species and not the individual' He wants us to think only 'good' races can make it into space, and humans will be trapped here forever until we are all good. does not want us to consider 'good race' can have 'bad individuals' or that a race could be 'mostly bad' and still leave their own planet.


Another angle to his psyop, by being an obvious psyop, anything his supports is considered 'tainted' by the people not in 'his group', he supports any 'good aliens' evidence to discredit it for individuals who can't swallow the ET pill yet.


tl:dr even though greer is deep state shill, doesn't mean the UFO's at his ranch experience are fake.

Anonymous ID: a00d3b April 27, 2018, 10:20 p.m. No.1219527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9559


Can you not fucking read. I said green was a psyop.


You can NOT say "everything that man say is a lie because he is a liar"


Liar hide their lies in truth!


Only by STUDYING THE LIE, can you find out what TRUTH they are trying to HID FROM YOU.


GREER IS A PSYOP. Do not assume everything he says is a lie, or you will be discounting truths. Study his LIES instead, and try to find out what the fuck he is trying to hide from you.


CMON anons, this is INTRO TO BASIC PSYOPS 101, we should be way past this stage by now.

Anonymous ID: a00d3b April 27, 2018, 10:27 p.m. No.1219601   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree with you, I typed a n't and said the opposite of what I mean in one of my sentences.


Greer pushes the 'all ets are good angle' so much, he totally discounts any Angelic / demonic alien experiences even if they are real.


He is a classic division shill. MI thinks they can't disclose directly to us because to many people are in 'ufo cults' around obvious shills in the community that they can't trust us to get the message out without fighting between ourselves, and use that as an excuse that they can only disclose through people like tom delonge.


typical 'problem reaction solution'


Create the problem: divisions in truth community caused by paid shills

reaction: people want truth but it can't be given to 'us' becasue we will 'twist it' ignoring that the ones doing the harm here are the same people not giving us the info.

solution: only paid shillls can be used for disclosure.

This allows them to side step and cut out all the legit truth seekers out there screaming the truth at the top of thier lungs, but being sidesteped by shills like greer who only allow the 'official disclosure narrative' that avoids making the guilty people involved in the train wreck getting blamed for the problems they caused.

Anonymous ID: a00d3b April 27, 2018, 10:32 p.m. No.1219655   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No problem anon, I expressed myself poorly the first time anyways, your misrespond caused me to re-eval my words and express myself more clearly.

Anonymous ID: a00d3b April 27, 2018, 10:41 p.m. No.1219739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9758 >>9773 >>9779 >>9787


In these post we witness a NEWFAG who has no idea what plausible deniability is, why it is important to diplomacy, and ongoing criminal investigations. Bus sure, lets just drop everything now to make YOU happy, who cares if it causes wars and millions of deaths around the world, or for criminals to walk free on technicalities because their trial evidence was poisoned.


Some of us have been a part of this bloody and nasty multiworld war for generations eons over multiple lifetimes but yeah, lets throw it all away and let the bad guys win so you can get a few minutes high from that dopamine release you crave so much. Its more important to make you feel good in the now, than for the greater war to be won.


This anons, shows you the danger of 'feelings based' PC culture without logic and reasoning included.


Masculine and Feminine energies must be in balance and work together. Going full retard in either direction leads to problems.



Anonymous ID: a00d3b April 27, 2018, 10:49 p.m. No.1219818   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The entire universe could be one timeless photon, traveling from the beginning (big bang) to the end (big crunch) and then repeating the trip over and over in different paths, combining with itself from previous/future journeys to form everything that exists.(time is just an illusion after all, everything happens in the now and everything is connected.)


For a photon, traveling at the speed of light, all of time would happen instantaneously. In less than a blink of an eye from its own perspective a single photon could go and be every photon to ever existed.


quantum physics gets really weird really fast.

Anonymous ID: a00d3b April 27, 2018, 10:55 p.m. No.1219874   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not true, russia has had several fights with their 'oligarchs' and 'muh jews', and the cabal agents who DID get kicked out and have their strings cut are pissed, and are doing everything they can externally to fuck over russia since their domestic operations were weakened.




Russia ran factories for CIA in exchange for electronics and radar technology which where forbidden to be shared with russia at the time do to cold war sanctions. Its all in CIA FOIA site.

Anonymous ID: a00d3b April 27, 2018, 11:06 p.m. No.1219952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9989


Accurate assessment. Don't hate the bluepillers for repeating propaganda talking points, it is all they know how to do. Spew forth the 'truths' they have been indoctrinated with since birth as if that is all the sources needed to debunk all the evidence that has been gathered here.