Anonymous ID: d3d6ff April 27, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.1219251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9311



Fuck off asshole. What makes you think I was talking to you!?


What kind of fuckwit are you that doesn't understand this board is full of ANONS!!!!!!


I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Anonymous!

Anonymous ID: d3d6ff April 27, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.1219263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9610 >>9663 >>9787

[repost from end of bread]




It's not just who makes the arrests.


It's also the answer to the question: WHo makes the decision about who to arrest, and when and what charges?


The answer is quite simple


It is NOT you sitting there on your sofa in the dark night after night.


So shut up about arrests because you have NO INFLUENCE on that.


There are, however many things that you can influence.


If you are a good investigator you can do parallel construction and post enough infor for a professional FBI or DOJ investigator to take forward.


If you don't want to see the cabal regroup and come back to power in 8-12 years, then you will get off your ass and learn how to play the game of politics.


You should only vote for politicians whose main job is to take their constituents' concerns into the legislative chambers. And that goes for municipal, county and state levels as well as Federal.


You should talk to your neighbors and form lobby groups that can displace the high-paid corporate lobbyists.


And you should discuss ideas for changes in the law with your neighbors and online because any idea that has not gone through the fire of debate and disagreement is a pile of shit. You don't want to be responsible for spewing shit, do you?


Sure, there is an entertaining movie going on but only a lunatic shouts at the screen thinking that he can get the director to make the plot go differently. Shut up and enjoy the show. Or get out and go to work changing the things that you CAN change.

Anonymous ID: d3d6ff April 27, 2018, 9:57 p.m. No.1219275   🗄️.is 🔗kun



17 is a number that has occult significance. They like to work it in when they crash a plane as a sacrifice because Lucifer gives extra grades for that.


Trump is just throwing their symbolism back in their face, taunting them with it. Lookee here satanist fuckwits, I am using your magic number 17 to tan your asses and fuck up your businesses!

Anonymous ID: d3d6ff April 27, 2018, 10:21 p.m. No.1219544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9614 >>9619 >>9635 >>9644



When we talk about things like energy travelling it is just a metaphor for the observed effects. It doesn't mean that anything actually travels, not even electrons.


But don't even think about particles. Everything is waves. Think about ripples on the water. Do you know why the wave in Perfect Storm was so big? You need to understand how waves combine. If you make ripples in a pool of water by dipping one finger, then another, the wave patterns will seem to bang into each other. But in fact, nothing is travelling, nothing is bumping. Look closely and you can see spots where the wave up and wave down seem to cancel each other out.


If you could coordinate a bunch of wave up motions to happen at a certain point at a certain time, then you could create a giant wave that seems to come out of nowhere. This is the key to what is called scalar energy.


The important thing is to IMMERSE yourself in the science of this. Search out dissenting view, and make sure that you study things completely unrelated to physics like water, and flows, and fluid forms. Did you know that the water in a river flows in a 3d spiral and that bends are made at points where the water rises or falls in the spiral. Where it rises, a sand bar grows. Where it descends, it will undercut the banks.


Electromagnetism is all about wave energy. Study how the Soviet bug designed by Theremin to hide in the great seal of the USA, actually worked. Read up about the Dutch radio engineers who finally figured it out and explained it. Most importantly, don't listen to experts from universities. They may well be right, but they can also be wrong. Just do not trust them and verify everything for yourself. Beware of ratholes, some of which people guide you into ON PURPOSE.


And it would not hurt to learn Russian, and go to Russia and get a hold of back issues of all the Russian radio hobbyist/experimenter journals. And spend some time talking to the Russians who have a different way of thinking, that leads to wild creative solutions.