Anonymous ID: 8e49e9 Dec. 27, 2020, 2:53 a.m. No.12193677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3728

Has POTUS creatively amended the Act of 1871 to remove consent of the sovereign (We the People) over the contract to establish the District of Colombia and US Corp.? There's a lot of conspiracy theory around this, and there is clearly a Constitution FOR vs. a Constitution OF the USA in the historical documents. POTUS has also mentioned that he's done something that people don't really understand that goes into effect on Jan 1. If there is a sunset clause on whatever document he created to dissolve the contract above, which automatically approves counter act, the that will automatically be the new standard by lack of action. In essence, he, or We the People, sued US Corp and they are stuck. If they respond and challenge, the lid on the fraud gets blown and the conspiracy theories are true. If they don't, and by a certain date, the original contract is cancelled…with a bunch of very negative effects for the cabal that they may be too dumb to understand.


Anyone have that POTUS speech/comment video? I don't remember if he mentioned Jan 1 or at some point right after the new year, but he did allude to something coming, and that's my best guess. War won without even fighting.

Anonymous ID: 8e49e9 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:09 a.m. No.12194085   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12192670 /pb

>Secret Message from Nashville Explosion Loudspeaker Message


>"It will happen very quickly, are you ready? For a Merry Christmas to All?"


It's legit…if that was the message. You can get the youtube clip and run it through an online video/audio reverse tool. YOU'LL GET THE SAME RESULT.