Anonymous ID: 0be5f4 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:36 a.m. No.12194190   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Unknown Stars


Bail bondsmen supreme, the late Danny Majors


Provided the females to Cornfeld/Hefner

Delivered contraband and distributed bribes to CA judiciary and pols


Now deceased, Danny Majorsearned his seat in the California Criminal Hall of Fame and Mind Control Museum.

Anonymous ID: 0be5f4 Dec. 27, 2020, 5:12 a.m. No.12194358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4370



>AtomSpace is a knowledge representation (KR) database and the associated query/reasoning engine to fetch and manipulate that data, and perform reasoning on it. Data is represented in the form of graphs, and more generally, as hypergraphs; thus the AtomSpace is a kind of graph database, the query engine is a general graph re-writing system, and the rule-engine is a generalized rule-driven inferencing system. The vertices and edges of a graph, known as Atoms, are used to represent not only "data", but also "procedures"; thus, many graphs are executable programs as well as data structures. These Atoms, which are permanent and immutable, can be assigned fleeting, changing Values to indicate the truth or likelihood of that atom, or to hold other kinds of transient data. The AtomSpace enables flow-based programming, where Atoms represent the pipes, and Values are what flows through the pipes.


from U Babylon, knowledge representation


Major Categories of Knowledge

 Declarative Knowledge

 Procedural Knowledge

 Metaknowledge

Declarative Knowledge

Descriptive Representation of


 Expressed in a factual statement

 Shallow

 Important in the initial stage of

knowledge acquisition

Procedural Knowledge

 Considers the manner in which things

work under different sets of


– Includes step-by-step sequences and

how-to types of instructions

– May also include explanations

– Involves automatic response to stimuli

– May tell how to use declarative

knowledge and how to make inferences

 Descriptive knowledge relates to a

specific object. Includes information

about the meaning, roles,

environment, resources, activities,

associations and outcomes of the


 Procedural knowledge relates to the

procedures employed in the problem solving process




Knowledge about Knowledge

In ES(Expert System),

Metaknowledge refers to

knowledge about the operation of

knowledge-based systems

Its reasoning capabilities

Knowledge Modeling

 The knowledge model views

knowledge acquisition as the

construction of a model of problemsolving behavior– a model in terms

of knowledge instead of


 Can reuse models across


Anonymous ID: 0be5f4 Dec. 27, 2020, 5:35 a.m. No.12194481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4526 >>4581 >>4700



The three body problem is the story of how some earth gov began communicating with aliens, competing with each other to secure technology.


They had broadcast a SETI style message into open space setting off a galactic scramble to see who would eat the emerging baby species.


Arecibo the SETI radio telescope 'collapsed' a few weeks ago.


Anyway the PLOT of Cixin Li's 3 novels is enlightening. Probably worth discussing, if anyone has read it.


The descriptions of interdimensional conflict were particularly interesting/ What does 3D material reality look like from a hyper D POV?

Anonymous ID: 0be5f4 Dec. 27, 2020, 6:11 a.m. No.12194742   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Believe the Rots took over Sun life decades ago.

Prob not relevant

They took over lots of what had previously been solid honest cos and then turned them inside out and striipped and Babyloned them.Long ago.