Sierra Nevada Corp?……military contractor?
Wonder how much comped stuff the NSA uses
Sierra Nevada Corp?……military contractor?
Wonder how much comped stuff the NSA uses
All our digging…..don’t remember Billy Clinton being a Rottchild
Got a lot of my political views from Mad magazine
Kek……both C_A and the NSA have much to hide….both very involved with election rigging
Both should be shut down
Just like our own government turned against itself
One snip of a fiber cable is all it takes
Ya know……if the NSA is promoting it…..prob comped so they can access your data
Well here ain’t a billion weapons and trillions of rounds of ammo for shits and giggles here in America
You must defend your country…don’t follow government, they DO NOT care about you or your fam
Boomers hate when you call their big boy pick ups
Commie trucks… wonder they suck so bad
I got kicked from college for writing a delete/shut down virus, worked too good…..messes with the ones and zeros
Yeah…fuck the SCOTUS……completely comped……won’t hear election arguments, buy waaaay moar than happy to give homos equal rights
Damn…..moar digital fuckery……where the was the asswipes at the NSA
Fuck you Ghidra……do your fucking JOB clowns
Yeah have a ICU nurse fam member….talked to her on Christmas…..she’s been off quite a bit this year and left yesterday for 2 weeks in AZ
You got a bunch of filthy Dem/commies on Intel committee
[[They]] knew everything, prob why Barr looked other way, prob why NSA helped commies steal election
Committees are a Jewish circle jerk
FBI couldn’t probe their own ass
FBI has no credibility or integrity… the homos they are
Y’all a bunch of butt stuffing faggots…..ain’t ya….I know your on here fucker
Boomers…..bunch of self righteous greedy pukes….they will never change
Boomers are the 4-6% lost
I’m youngest of big boomer fam….holidays have been torture….all boomers care about is MOAR! Bigger house, pickup, vacations, Worse of all, they all think they gonna get rich in the Stock markets……yes, a totally blinded generation