Anonymous ID: 5d723b Dec. 27, 2020, 4:40 a.m. No.12194208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4255


what does it matter what they do at that point?

what is your role in being inquistor?

sounds like you are just asking leading and discouraging questions?

why don't you think for yourself and stop badgering others with your mindgame questions?

let me answer: you are paid to spread discouragment here.

Anonymous ID: 5d723b Dec. 27, 2020, 4:53 a.m. No.12194280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4303


'we' didn't. I used the term 'stolen' or 'thefted'.

I moved to Linux around then but it still didn't work well.

you realize that the software companies constantly were moving the bar and releasing old 'tools'?

It is only because of Open Source that we have any software that is public and free.

And when did Google say 'ha, let's just steal Linux OS and call it 'android' and gatekeeper the root.


you don't pass my sniff test as a software person from 2001

Anonymous ID: 5d723b Dec. 27, 2020, 5:05 a.m. No.12194331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4357


just odd to talk about softwaer from 2001 and say 'app' because it was not called that.

then I asked what particular kind of software, or platform, and got no response to that.

I watched as White men were excluded and hazed out of software, and software for corporations was a hack fest of greedy untoucables who would hire genius peopole, mind rape them and then toss them to the side.

so whatever, software grifters are common.

Anonymous ID: 5d723b Dec. 27, 2020, 5:11 a.m. No.12194353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I first got it and was able to boot to a command line from a floppy but . . . it was just a curiousity until it also worked with Gnome and KDE.

after a time I ran a specific OS, then I chose a different one. Let's just say I have a hat the color of the ones that MAGA people wear that I got at a trade show when it was still free as 'redhat'.


and when I heard they were ending it I was like 'nooo' but then I switched to a different spin and have used it since (it's cutting edge).

from time to time I get cut.


So I'm rather an expert on using rpm/yum/dnf, and solving dependancy issues, and installing from rpm (if you don't update your repositories are are stuck at runlevel 3 . . . )


Fun stuff.

Anonymous ID: 5d723b Dec. 27, 2020, 5:18 a.m. No.12194387   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the sort who would use such tools may just have a table full of different systems. The one that they configure to run that toolset is probably not the same one that they use to do their finances or coorespondance.

_PS: As an independant software person I can tell you that NSA has been a blessing to me for what they did with SE Linux.

so 'fail' at spreading division for you . . .

Anonymous ID: 5d723b Dec. 27, 2020, 5:29 a.m. No.12194460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4483 >>4489


I'm in a cantankerous mood.

I should jsut never post before coffee kicks in.

the thing about 'software engineers' is that they make them rich and then they become useless.

and the people who run 'software engineering' offices at colleges are usually idiots who were cabal legacies, and look the part of 'Central Asian ' if a movie was being made about Cnetral Asians, they can play the role.


and sot hey teach you crap that is useless,

and they give you projects and steal your code.

and they haze you out of it if they don't think your a good 'candidate' .

and they care less about real skillsets of real pepole, and cutting edge new people. Instead they pigeon hole the people and set up HR grift factories to contract 'seats' to 'industry' or 'mil' . . .

I can go on with it. It's a sick world, and the culture of it is rotton.


So in conclusion on an engineer with a different background other than software is usually any good at designing systems and code-cracking the kludge-a-tecture of crap-software that was 'stolen-eered' by the Software Stealing-eers of the fake-engineers who are handed degrees in 'shim grift', and let loose to haze and corrupt the rest . . .

Anonymous ID: 5d723b Dec. 27, 2020, 5:50 a.m. No.12194574   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the spy-grammers would use 'stacks' so tht they would be able to create a stack overrun to comp the system.

that is what they did.

and there are ways to not use those methods.

but the spies were the ones who got ahead, they wuold just steal everyone else's work.

but the kind of software that runs forever? that isn't given by corporations. They don't want a flawless control plane that can't be shutoff aside from burning the processors.

so they build broken stuff that is easy to hack.

other people need reliability and they would look for those who had that set of skills . . . for a time. but at a point in our history the forces of control thought that nothing new needs to be developed. So they toss it all to the side.

that happened in software and comms, for the most part, in 2007 around when Bummer (oh-bummer) was the head donkeyclown-puppet dancer (in DC).


anyway . . .

some people kept going and didn't stop thinking of new things and we wait for that day when the old order of grifters and hazers is destroyed and we can again join the workforce in that direction.

Anonymous ID: 5d723b Dec. 27, 2020, 5:59 a.m. No.12194643   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've got some old harddrives too. And boxes of junk hardware. So I can put postit notes on them and make it look like?

what is this supposed to be?


seemd like a slide when I saw it before, still seems like one.

Anonymous ID: 5d723b Dec. 27, 2020, 6:19 a.m. No.12194797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4812


how can you hear me say it 'out loud' as I am no where near you?

what do you mean by 'it'?

My Point in my little story is about how the spychologists assigned to fuck with us here keep the talk constantly at the croch.

I say 'pens' because of the obvious reason.

and then someone takes that and conflates it wiht the VP, which was never my idea.

my idea is how obvious the manipulation is.

you try to make it into a put down as if 'hear you say it' means that you are morally superior to me.

I have a quick mind and I make up stuff very quickly which I share and that bothers the psychologists so they haze me.


and that's what you're doing 'subtly moral superiority larp'

Anonymous ID: 5d723b Dec. 27, 2020, 6:32 a.m. No.12194908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

trying to figure out logistics of going to DC on the 6th. Found free DC busses.