The BIG Secret[ion is that (You) are immortal and this body is meant to live forever.
But (you) have forgotten and are now stuck in a reincarnate loop until you remember.
>4.5B left to go
The BIG Secret[ion is that (You) are immortal and this body is meant to live forever.
But (you) have forgotten and are now stuck in a reincarnate loop until you remember.
>4.5B left to go
If you knew the truth it would put you in the hospital.
>You have been lied to ALL your Life
>Follow the white rabbit, Alice
>Find the Book of Lock and Key
I have looked withing and believe i have…?
I am the book and the Uni-Verse Tone is the key
but how do they connect to one another, is the next Q mi feels.
>Sword of Density [OM]