Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.12197320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7370 >>7454 >>7684 >>7739 >>7816

Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement


The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust.


On April 30th, AstraZeneca and Oxford University announced a “landmark agreement” for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. The agreement involves AstraZeneca overseeing aspects of the development as well as manufacturing and distribution while the Oxford side, via the Jenner Institute and Oxford Vaccine Group, researched and developed the vaccine. Less than a month after this agreement was reached, the Oxford-AstraZeneca partnership was awarded a contract from the US government as part of Operation Warp Speed, the public-private COVID-19 vaccination effort dominated by the US military and US intelligence.


Though the partnership was announced in April, Oxford’s Jenner Institute had already begun developing the COVID-19 vaccine months before, in mid-January. According to a recent BBC report, it was in January that the Jenner Institute first became aware of how serious the pandemic would soon become, when Professor Andrew Pollard, who works for both the Jenner Institute and heads the Oxford Vaccine Group, “shared a taxi with a modeler who worked for the UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.” During the taxi ride, “the scientist told him data suggested there was going to be a pandemic not unlike the 1918 flu.” Due to this sole encounter, we are told, the Jenner Institute then began to pour millions into the early development of a vaccine for COVID-19 well before the scope of the crisis was clear.


For much of 2020, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was treated as an early front-runner, though its lead would later be marred by scandals related to its clinical trials, including the death of participants, sudden trial pauses, the use of a problematic “placebo” with its own host of side effects and the “unintentional” mis-dosing of some participants that skewed its self-reported efficacy rate.


The significant issues that emerged during trials have provoked little concern from the vaccine’s two lead developers, despite critical attention from even mainstream media of its complications. The lead developer of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, Adrian Hill, told NBC on December 9th that the experimental vaccine should be approved and distributed to the public before the conclusion of the safety trials, saying,”to wait for the end of the trial would be the middle of next year. That’s too late, this vaccine is effective, available at large scale and easily deployed.”


Sarah Gilbert, the other lead researcher on the vaccine, seemed to believe that pre-mature safety approval was likely, telling the BBC on December 13 that the chances of rolling out the vaccine by the end of the year are “pretty high.” Now, the UK is expected to approve the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine shortly after Christmas, with India also set to approve the vaccine next week.


While the controversies surrounding the vaccine’s trials did ultimately undermine its previous frontrunner status, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine remains heavily promoted as the vaccine of choice for the developing world, as it is cheaper and has much less complicated storage requirement than its main competitors, Pfizer and Moderna.



Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.12197329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7370 >>7454 >>7684 >>7816

Contaminated blood scandal which left tens of thousands of NHS patients infected with hepatitis C is 'a disaster bigger than Hillsborough'


More than 2,400 with haemophilia died after receiving a clotting agent 'Factor 8'

The clotting agent was infected with hepatitis C and HIV in the 1970s and 1980s

An inquiry into scandal, which began in 2018, is expected to conclude next year


The contaminated blood scandal which left tens of thousands of NHS patients infected with hepatitis C and HIV will turn out to be a disaster ‘bigger than Hillsborough’, a senior figure has claimed.


Dame Denise Platt, a council member of the General Medical Council, likened the issue to the 1989 stadium crush that claimed 96 lives and was ultimately found to be due to police negligence, after years of cover-up.


Her comments were disclosed in internal emails at the GMC - an independent public body that maintains the official register of medical practitioners in the UK.

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.12197336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7370 >>7454 >>7684 >>7816

The Fix Is In: Collusion Deal Between USPS & Civil Rights Group For Georgia Ballots Approved


A federal judge on Dec.24 approved of a deal struck between the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and civil rights organizations that would treat absentee ballots as express mail before Georgia’s crucial runoff election on Jan. 5. This order essentially allows the expediting of ballots - bypassing checkers and leaves the ballots ripe for Fraud - yet again. It was billed as fix, but instead it ensures fraudulent ballots can enter the system.


The group agreed to handle ballots as if they were expressing mail if they were still in a processing plant in the three days before the election, according to the court documents.


This means that mail-in ballots would be passed the next day. Additionally, ballots being sent from a New York printer to the state would be fast-tracked, and Georgia postal departments will regularly sweep for undelivered ballots until the Jan. 5 election to guarantee no ballots are misplaced.


In Atlanta, the USPS agreed to skip the processing plants and immediately transfer the ballots to the Georgia Board of Elections (BOE). For days on which the Postal Service is not working or the BOE is not open, ballots will be transferred the next day that both the Postal Service and the BOE are open.


Atlanta has listed some of the worst mail services in the South. Only 80.4 percent of the over 150,000 mail ballots in Atlanta that have been processed were passed on time, although there are some who claim that rate could be closer to 97 percent.


The agreement on ballot processing is an outcome of requests from groups like the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and Vote Forward and marks a vital step for the Postal Service and its Justice Department lawyers in a case that started in August.


The parties presented the agreement to the court late Wednesday in an attempt


to “avoid the cost and burden of further litigation between now and the Georgia Runoff Elections.”

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.12197349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7365 >>7370 >>7381 >>7454 >>7684 >>7816

Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!


In an effort to combat Big Pharma Corporate Media and Big Tech censorship, doctors around the world are frantically trying to warn the masses of the devastating effects of the experimental COVID vaccines about to be mass injected into the unsuspecting public assisted by military forces around the world.


What could possibly motivate these doctors, nurses, scientists, and other health professionals to make such an impassioned plea? What do they have to gain by taking the time to educate the public on the hidden dangers of a new class of vaccine about to be inflicted upon the citizens of countries around the world?


They have NOTHING TO GAIN, and much to lose, including their careers, and possibly even their lives.


So why are they doing this? Why are these doctors and professionals being censored so much if the new COVID vaccines are in fact “safe and effective”? What is it that the media and the government are hiding that they don’t want the public to know?


They are doing this because they are doctors and scientists who actually understand the REAL science here, and who know the devastating potential consequences of those who choose to get this very toxic and dangerous vaccine, and they are trying to save as many people as possible from the carnage this vaccine is going to cause, which will include DEATH, brain injuries, life-long autoimmune disease, infertility, and more.


Please watch this video and their urgent pleas, and then share it with as many people as you can, because time is short!

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.12197372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7454 >>7684 >>7816

Anti-CHICOM Hacker Group “CCP Unmasked” shows how China shapes the narrative…


“Chris and Shelley discuss how the Chinese regime wrote a false narrative around the coronavirus, shaping public opinion both domestically and internationally.”


Leaked documents reveal extent of China’s attempts to control coronavirus message


“A hacker group known as CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Unmasked shared the documents, which reveal the Herculean efforts that the actual CCP invested in maintaining control of the Internet. “The Times and ProPublica verified the legitimacy of many of the documents, some of which had been acquired independently by China Digital Times, a website that follows Chinese Internet controls… The documents show as early as January – before the coronavirus had been decisively identified – Chinese authorities clamped down on information to make the virus look less severe, and the government more capable.”


Leaked Documents Show How China’s Army of Paid Internet Trolls Helped Censor the Coronavirus


““China has a politically weaponized system of censorship; it is refined, organized, coordinated and supported by the state’s resources,” said Xiao Qiang, a research scientist at the School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley, and the founder of China Digital Times. “It’s not just for deleting something. They also have a powerful apparatus to construct a narrative and aim it at any target with huge scale.”


“This is a huge thing,” he added. “No other country has that.””

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.12197398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7454 >>7684 >>7816

Rules for thee: Bureaucrat Wuhan virus hypocrisy list/map


The Heritage Foundation has put together a map of all the bureaucrats who have broken their own Wuhan virus rules. So far their list is at 43 reported instances with some officials having violated their own rules more than once.


ICYMI: We just released a new project, "COVID Hypocrisy," a comprehensive, interactive tracker documenting reported cases of politicians and government officials violating their own coronavirus restrictions.


Check it out here:


COVID Hypocrisy: Policymakers Breaking Their Own Rules

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.12197419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7454 >>7684 >>7816

More Casualties Reported Among Healthcare Workers from Experimental Unapproved COVID Vaccines


We are finishing up the second week of the Pfizer mRNA experimental COVID vaccine being injected into healthcare workers in the U.S., and the end of the first week of the Moderna mRNA experimental COVID vaccine also being injected into U.S. healthcare workers.


The pharma-funded corporate media is reporting two more injuries due to these experimental vaccines.


According to the New York Times, Dr. Hossein Sadrzadeh, a geriatric oncologist at Boston Medical Center, “experienced a severe reaction almost immediately after he was inoculated, feeling dizzy and with his heart racing,” after being injected with the Moderna experimental vaccine, which is NOT FDA approved, but given emergency use authorization (EUA) just as the Pfizer mRNA experimental vaccine was the week before.


Dr. Sadrzadeh said he brought his EpiPen to his vaccine appointment because of his serious allergies. He said that within minutes of the vaccine injection at 3:30 p.m., his heart rate had spiked to 150 beats per minute, about twice its normal cadence; his tongue prickled and went numb. Before long, he was drenched in a cold sweat and found himself feeling dizzy and faint. His blood pressure also plummeted, he said.


His immune system, he realized, was in revolt.


“It was the same anaphylactic reaction that I experience with shellfish,” Dr. Sadrzadeh said.


Dr. Sadrzadeh used his EpiPen and was taken on a stretcher to the emergency room, where he was given several medications, including steroids and Benadryl, to calm the immune reactions that had overtaken his body. A record of his visit stated that he had been “seen in the ER for shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations and numbness after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.”


Four hours later, Dr. Sadrzadeh was released from care. As of Friday morning, he said he felt fully recovered.


But the previous day’s events shook him. “I don’t want anybody to go through that,” he said. (Source.)


The New York Post reported another injury in New York City, but with almost no details.


A New York City health care worker suffered a “significant allergic reaction” to a COVID-19 vaccine — the first “serious adverse event” to the jab in the Big Apple, officials said Wednesday.


Neither the worker’s identity nor the nature and extent of the reaction were revealed, although officials said the worker was in stable condition following unspecified treatment.


It’s also unclear which of the two vaccines that have been authorized for emergency use — one developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, the other by Moderna — caused the reaction. (Source.)


Like the Pfizer experimental vaccine, the FDA guidelines for healthcare workers in administering the Moderna experimental COVID vaccine warns about allergic reactions and going into anaphylactic shock after receiving the vaccine.


The FDA guidelines for the experimental Moderna COVID vaccine, both for healthcare workers as well as for recipients, also clearly state in multiple places that the Moderna experimental vaccine is NOT approved by the FDA:


FDA has authorized the emergency use of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, which is not an FDA-approved vaccine.


So if you choose to receive this vaccine, you are basically agreeing to further participate in the last stages of their vaccine trial to see whether or not the vaccine is effective and safe. You are volunteering to be a human lab rat.


The media, including most in the alternative media, continue to erroneously publish that the FDA has approved these vaccines.


All across the U.S. 40% – 60% of healthcare workers are reportedly refusing to participate.

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.12197434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7448 >>7454 >>7501 >>7684 >>7816

I’m sensing a pattern here. New strains of Chinese Virus pop up everywhere the Vaccine is being used.


I’m sensing a pattern here. New strains of Chinese Virus pop up everywhere the Vaccine is being used. 1st UK. And now Japan. Both island nations. But both 1st world nations as well. That can institute Lockdowns on a whim. And won’t affect the mainland of Asia or Europe.

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.12197500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7684 >>7816 >>8168

Republican senator: Trump will be 'remembered for chaos and misery and erratic behavior' if he lets COVID-19 relief expire


Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) on Sunday urged President Trump to sign the coronavirus aid package that has passed Congress, warning the president’s legacy is at stake.


“You don’t get everything you want, even if you’re president of the United States,” Toomey said on “Fox News Sunday.” “I think the COVID relief measures are really, really important.”


“In my state, as in many other states, we have governors who are closing down businesses again,” he added.


Toomey called it a “hopeful sign” that Trump has not yet vetoed the bill passed by Congress, even as he has demanded larger direct payments of $2,000 to Americans.


The Pennsylvania senator suggested that the president was thinking of his legacy with the demand but said that “he’ll be remembered for chaos and misery and erratic behavior if he allows this to expire.”


“I understand the president would like to send bigger checks to everybody. … I think what he ought to do is sign this bill and then make the case,” Toomey said. “I don’t agree with $2,000 to people who have had no lost income whatsoever, but the president’s free to make that case.”


Asked about Trump’s recent round of presidential pardons, Toomey said former national security adviser Michael Flynn was the victim of prosecutorial misconduct and that it was “perfectly legitimate to pardon him.”


However, he said that in “some of these other cases we have tax fraud, bank fraud, witness tampering, obstruction of justice,” in an apparent reference to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Toomey compared the pardons to former President Clinton’s pardon of financier and Democratic donor Marc Rich.


“It is legal, it is constitutional, but I think it’s a misuse of the power,” Toomey said.

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.12197519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7684 >>7816

The Great Reset, Part II: Corporate Socialism


As I noted in the previous installment, the Great Reset, if its architects have their way, would involve transformations of nearly every aspect of life. Here, I will limit my discussion to the economics of the Great Reset as promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), as well as to recent developments that have advanced these plans.


As F.A. Hayek suggested in his introductory essay to Collectivist Economic Planning, socialism can be divided into two aspects: the ends and the means.1 The socialist means is collectivist planning, while the ends, at least under proletarian socialism, are the collective ownership of the means of production and the “equal” or “equitable” distribution of the end products. Distinguishing between these two aspects in order to set aside the question of the ends and to focus on the means, Hayek suggested that collectivist planning could be marshaled in the service of ends other than those associated with proletarian socialism: “An aristocratic dictatorship, for example, may use the same methods to further the interest of some racial or other elite or in the service of some other decidedly anti-equalitarian purpose.”2 Collectivist planning might or might not run into the calculation problem, depending upon whether or not a market in the factors of production is retained. If a market for the factors of production is maintained, then the calculation problem would not strictly apply.


The collectivist planners of the Great Reset do not aim at eliminating markets for the factors of production. Rather, they mean to drive ownership and control of the most important factors to those enrolled in “stakeholder capitalism.”3 The productive activities of said stakeholders, meanwhile, would be guided by the directives of a coalition of governments under a unified mission and set of policies, in particular those expounded by the WEF itself.


While these corporate stakeholders would not necessarily be monopolies per se, the goal of the WEF is to vest as much control over production and distribution in these corporate stakeholders as possible, with the goal of eliminating producers whose products or processes are deemed either unnecessary or inimical to the globalists’ desiderata for “a fairer, greener future.” Naturally, this would involve constraints on production and consumption and likewise an expanded role for governments in order to enforce such constraints—or, as Klaus Schwab has stated in the context of the covid crisis, “the return of big government”4—as if government hasn’t been big and growing bigger all the while.


Schwab and the WEF promote stakeholder capitalism against a supposedly rampant “neoliberalism.” Neoliberalism is a weasel word that stands for whatever leftists deem wrong with the socioeconomic order. It is the common enemy of the Left. Needless to say, neoliberalism—which Schwab loosely defines as “a corpus of ideas and policies that can loosely be defined as favouring competition over solidarity, creative destruction over government intervention and economic growth over social welfare”5—is a straw man. Schwab and company erect neoliberalism as the source of our economic woes. But to the extent that “antineoliberalism” has been in play, the governmental favoring of industries and players within industries (or corporatocracy), and not competition, has been the source of what Schwab and his ilk decry. The Great Reset would magnify the effects of corporatocracy.


Nevertheless, the aims of the WEF are not to plan every aspect of production and thus to direct all individual activity. Rather, the goal is to limit the possibilities for individual activity, including the activity of consumers—by dint of squeezing out industries and producers within industries from the economy. “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”6

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.12197524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7684 >>7753 >>7816

The Fake News Industrial Complex


With the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 and the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation act of 2016, we have been subjected to a never-ending barrage of military-grade psychological operations and legalized propaganda that are now interfering in an election.


The film details Interactive Internet Activities (IIA) and the military psychological warfare weapon, Shadownet, which is used to control the public narrative through the Fake News, to fix elections, to organize the BLM riots among other things.


Psyops veteran, Patrick Bergy explains how Shadownet was built by the military with US tax dollars and how people like General James L Jones, Obama’s National Security Advisor took this intellectual property and privatized it for their own personal gain.


Bergy describes a network of government contractors in the Intelligence Community with access to the NSA’s dragnet surveillance and AI programs and who exploit the information to blackmail and control politicians and other powerful people. These Globalist traitors are the primary administrators of the Fourth Generation warfare being waged against the American people as we speak.

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.12197578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7684 >>7816

CAIR Demands Biden Dismantle Counterterror Operations


The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) worked hard to get His Fraudulency President-select Joe Biden into the White House, and now it’s time for payback. On Tuesday, the sinister organization that the establishment media routinely presents as a benign human rights group released what it called “a detailed agenda detailing policy changes that the Biden-Harris administration should pursue within its first 100 days in office to restore the rights of Americans Muslims and advance justice for all.” “Restore the rights of American Muslims”? What rights have they been denied? If you said “none,” you’re correct, but CAIR’s wishlist emanates from the bizarro world of the group’s relentless efforts to secure coveted victimhood status for Muslims in the U.S.


The report is impressively detailed, identifying “33 new initiatives and policy reforms designed to protect and respect the rights of all U.S. citizens and residents, including Muslims, that the new administration can start to implement the first day in office.”


This is so much eyewash, as there is nothing among these 33 demands that is designed to protect and respect the rights of anyone but Muslims, but this sort of thing plays well with the media, and so it’s always worth throwing in. For example, one of the demands is “Support the free speech of all Americans and the right to boycott without government interference.” Another demands an “end the U.S. Department of Education’s attempts to suppress free speech on college campuses, including attempts to target Middle Eastern studies courses and punishing Palestinian student activists.”


These are not calls for the support of the freedom of speech as such. CAIR’s support for the freedom of speech here is stated only in connection to protesting Israel. When it comes to criticism of Islam, CAIR’s commitment to the freedom of speech suddenly weakens. It also demands the removal of “alt-right and Islamophobic online resources” from “existing vetting practices,” which is essentially a call for the removal of material that speaks honestly about the motivating ideology behind jihad terrorism. All such material was removed years ago, so it’s unclear what CAIR spokesman Ibrahim “Honest Ibe” Hooper is in a lather about here. But free speech? Not really high on CAIR’s agenda at all.


“CAIR’s agenda,” CAIR notes proudly, “is being endorsed by the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, the largest coalition of several leading national, regional, and local Muslim organizations and institutions harnessing the collective strength of American Muslims for the greater good of all.” That makes it all the more disquieting that the list of demands includes these:


1. Fundamentally reform the federal government’s unconstitutional Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), commonly referred to as the “terrorism watchlist.”

2. Dismantle the TSA’s secretive Quiet Skies passenger tracking program, its international counterpart Silent Partner and other rules-based lists, that operate without Congressional oversight to single out law-abiding Muslim travelers for official harassment and extrajudicial consequences without due process.

3. Oppose and defund the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (“DHS”) 2020 “Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention” (“TVTP”) grant program, the successor of DHS’s previous Countering Violent Extremism (“CVE”) grant program.

4. End the FBI’s use of informants to spy on American Muslim communities.

5. Reject any new domestic terrorism statutes.

Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.12197677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7684 >>7816

Rhodes Scholars Surge in Biden’s Potential Cabinet


With Trump’s ascension to the presidency in 2016, the Rhodes Scholars that had permeated the U.S. Deep State over many years found themselves choking on humble pie as they were removed from the drivers’ seat of world affairs for the first time in decades. The paradigm of post-nation state unipolarism that had been carefully built up over the post-WWII period had somehow been successfully challenged by an outsider as the republic was slowly returned to its patriotic traditions as a nation committed to non-interventionism, industrial progress and protectionism.


In the last few days, it has become clear that these Oxford-trained Rhodes Scholars have re-emerged as leading voices in Biden’s cabinet, and since a general understanding of this problem is so lacking today (leading many patriots to be duped into believing that the evil Chinese are at the heart of their woes), I think some preliminary words are needed as a matter of historical context.


Cecil Rhodes’ Vision Revisited


Every year since its creation in 1902, over 30 talented young American scholars have been rewarded each year with the privilege of an all-expenses paid brainwashing in the halls of Oxford University on the dime of the riches left to posterity by the deceased race patriot diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes before being re-deployed back to their home nations.


Rhodes’ early disciples included such luminaries as Lord Alfred Milner, Sir Halford Mackinder, George Parkin, W.T. Stead and the Canadian oligarch Vincent Massey (to name a few). His early backers included high level figures among the British intelligentsia including Prince Edward Albert and Lord Nathaniel Rothschild who saw that a new strategy was needed to halt the spread of American System policies around the world in the wake of Lincoln’s victory over the South during the Civil War.


At the time, anyone with half a brain knew that the unipolar days of the British Empire were coming to an end as a new multipolar system of win-win cooperation was emerging… and this was a prospect deemed intolerable by many devout social Darwinists among the British ruling class.


These early Rhodians interfaced closely with London’s Fabian Society throughout the 20th century and became the new disciplined elite that gradually infiltrated every branch of society. This new breed of imperial managers exerted its influence in much the same way earlier Jesuit operations had been formed and deployed across Europe beginning in the 16th century.



Anonymous ID: 7caa31 Dec. 27, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.12197706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7738 >>7816

330,000 Americans Die ‘With’ China Coronavirus – CDC says Number Who Died “From” Coronavirus Is Much Less, Around 6 Percent


How many Americans really died FROM the China coronavirus?


On Christmas Day the government’s television channel, PBS, reported on the the China coronavirus first thing. This is all they talk about but they never mention China, they label the pandemic COVID-19:



The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made the announcement last night to help prevent the spread of new highly contagious COVID variants in Britain. That comes as the U.S. death toll surpassed 330,000. And hospitalizations nationwide hit a new record high yesterday, more than 120,000.


But this reporting is questionable. We reported in August that the CDC admits that only 6% of all deaths in the US classified as Coronavirus deaths actually died from the China Coronavirus alone.


Yes, this was from the CDC’s own reporting. So today it looks like less than 20,000 deaths in the US (330,000 x 6% = 19,800) over the past year have actually been due to the coronavirus only. The remainder of the deaths reported by the CDC include accidents, overdoses, suicides and those presumed to have had the coronavirus upon their death.


So basically many local and state governments are shutting down their local businesses and institutions due to over-inflated statistics regarding the number of Americans who died from this China oriented coronavirus.