December 27, 2020
“Deadly Force” Zone Activated In Wake Of Strike On Nashville Voting Machine NSA Spy Hub
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing events relating to Day 54 of the election war currently raging in America, says immediately following the missile strike that took out the NSA hardened AT&T switching facility “spy hub” in Nashville-Tennessee on Christmas morning, the FAA designated the skies over Nashville as “National Defense Airspace”, that activates the use of deadly force against airborne aircraft, if it is determined that the aircraft poses an imminent security threat—an activation of deadly force needed because this attack has crippled communications in the Huntsville-Alabama region where is located one of the most critical military bases in America known as Redstone Arsenal, whose strategic importance President Donald Trump has elevated since he began moving his loyal FBI forces there by the thousands.
Was a massive explosion Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) analysts quickly determined was caused by a US military aircraft fired “thermobaric weapon” specifically targeting the secret NSA spy hub in Nashville, that was first revealed by former CIA-NSA operative Edward Snowden as being part of the NSA-AT&T mass spying operation known as the “Fairview Surveillance Program”—saw this massive explosion occurring exactly at the front door entrance to the 15-story AT&T Nashville Main Central Office located at 185 2nd Ave N in Nashville—a front door entrance Google maps has always blurred the image of—though many are still confusing this location with the 33-story AT&T South (Bell South) Tennessee headquarters, also known as the Batman Building, that is located a couple of blocks away (about 440 feet away) from where this massive explosion occurred.
And critical to notice is that in the days just prior to this explosion, the State of Georgia began a signature audit of election ballots—a signature audit whose findings of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, on 23 December, said would be revealed later in the evening on 23 December, or at the latest on the morning of 24 December—a revelation of these signature audit findings, however, that has yet to be made—but when this signature audit was being conducted, a Microsoft engineer shockingly discovered that Georgia voting machine results were secretly being sent to Communist China—a shock discovery joined by reports that, on 21 December, a contract had been given to AT&T to conduct a forensic audit on Dominion voting machines, and these machines were being transported to Nashville. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.
According to the limited portions of this highly-classified report permitted to be reviewed and commented on by various ministries, the SVR continues examining the ANTIFA forces that moved their train derailment terrorist campaign from Canada into the United States earlier this year—and where yesterday they noted the two ANTIFA train derailment Washington States terrorists captured by the FBI last month, that was followed earlier this week by the fiery and explosive train derailment in Washington State the FBI has rushed forces to, today they’ve now added to this growing list the massive train derailment that occurred in Iowa on Christmas Day.
A Christmas Season of massive explosions and train derailments in America, this report continues, that’s now been joined by a Christmas Eve devastating three-alarm fire occurring in Rochester-New York—a fire that completely destroyed the building housing the printing company City Blue Imaging—and is notable because City Blue Imaging is a subcontractor for the Rochester-New York printing company Phoenix Graphics made infamous for its misprinted and wrong address mail-in election ballots.