Anonymous ID: 0366ee April 27, 2018, 11:15 p.m. No.1220014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0021 >>0088 >>0221

Flynn pleading guilty was a strategic way to expose corruption at the highest levels, knowing that a legitimate investigation would absolve him of any wrongdoing. So he pleads guilty to lying to the feds during the course of an interview where he may or may not have been given Miranda, did not have a lawyer present, was run by a corrupt group of investigators, then convicted by a corrupt judge. Remember, he waived his right to trial, agreed to "cooperate" with the investigation, and Mueller requested that sentencing be delayed. If he is a "cooperating witness" he may have access to information that he otherwise may not have; guilty plea may have been a way to start a counterintel op, but was certainly a way to smoke out investigators and a judge willing to charge and convict an innocent man for the sake of making a new president look bad.

Anonymous ID: 0366ee April 27, 2018, 11:48 p.m. No.1220221   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Seems to me that the Lieutenant General outplayed Mueller. Generals are inherently strategic experts, masters of the battlespace. Flynn is a patriot on a deeper level than few others could ever understand– this was him falling on his sword. Not even the agents that conducted the interview believed he was lying, and that was apparently reflected in the 302's. If that is the case, Mueller would have known this but decided to move forward with charges regardless, and with the tacit support of Comey and McCabe, who also knew. The only thing that makes sense is that Flynn answered the questions truthfully but the game was already rigged– the disinfo was out, the media was complicit, and all the players knew their roles, including the judge who would see the "evidence" and still render a guilty verdict on an innocent man. But who commands more loyalty than a 3-star general with the respect and admiration that Flynn did? McChrystal was close, and look what happened to him. Certainly not Mueller, despite his service as a Marine. Remember, they never thought she would lose.