Anonymous ID: 06e935 April 27, 2018, 11:33 p.m. No.1220115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0387

The 2 FBI agents cooperating are Priestap and Strzok (Priestap his boss).


Both are counter intelligence.


Both have not been fired. Very odd that they were not fired because most of their corruption is public (text messages).


If these 2 were running a long long running counter intelligence operation on the traitors in the FBI and Bush/Obama admin, then these 2 fuckers stayed in comped character (under cover) until they saw the impossible happen.


Trump beating Hillary. NSA/MI stopped the voter fraud. Big signal that it was a new world.


They would be dead if they ever had reported anything before Trump came into office. Go to the MSM? MSM is CIA (CIA works for elites building a NWO). If it is not reported in the news, it did not happen.


Strzok was in the military before joining FBI counter intelligence.

Did he serve in military intelligence? If so, did he ever cross paths with Flynn?

Anonymous ID: 06e935 April 27, 2018, 11:39 p.m. No.1220146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0156 >>0194


Always watch for e double cross.


If NK and Iran gets Rothschild central bank, then we will know we were played.


How would the anti-Christ fool the elect?


By exposing the evil and corrupt system (the very evil he/Satan encourage the big double cross)

Anonymous ID: 06e935 April 27, 2018, 11:50 p.m. No.1220234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0439



Svali, an illuminati survivor and good read on how they are organized talked about how they were all trained on the double cross. Even their parents would double cross them and say "such is the way of the world" or something like that.


Why would Satan care about his followers? He hates them too. They are already on their way to hell. What is his prize? To hurt God and show himself as God.


But to get the prize, the elect, how do you fool them?

have anti-Christ destroy the very evil that you (Satan) created. Many elect would be fooled.


All I am saying to Christian anons is this:


ALWAYS be on the look out for the double cross. Neo never left the matrix. He just went from one controlled environment into another.