Anonymous ID: 7313dd April 27, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.1220113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0368


What I see is a bunch of Congress people voluntarily leaving so the taxpayer gets to pay their lifelong pensions and they suffer no penalty and do not have to give up any of their ill gotten gains.

What I see is 4 fired treasonous FBI officials, one of whom is enduring the horrible penalty of having part of his pension delayed.

What I see is a former Prez. violating the Logan Act with impunity.

What I see is attorney-client privilege demolished by an asshat SC.

What I see is a bunch of no name pedophiles rounded up, with no clarity as to whether they are incarcerated or released pending prosecution.

What I see is no progress in eliminating the special "justice" system for the rich and well connected.

What I've seen by digging and digging and digging is that our government house is covered in shit.

What I see is so far the house "cleaning" is being done with a Swiffer.

I will try mightily to be patient, trust the plan, accept timetable changes and continue to help when I can. But I'm not going to cheer results that are kept invisible.

And peace in Korea is beyond terrific. But again, two questionable government leaders will remain in power. So I will leave it to the Korean people to decide on how much they want to celebrate.